Attorney General Laxalt Announces up to 8 Year Prison Sentence for Guardianship Abuse in Northern Nevada Case
Nevada Attorney General Adam Paul Laxalt announced that Vicky Jo Adams (or Lindblade), 62, of Douglas County, was sentenced for exploitation of an older person, a category “B” felony, for converting funds entrusted to her as her father’s guardian for personal use. The fraudulent acts were committed between April and December, 2017.
“Just as I have worked to reduce the sexual assault kit backlog, combat the opioid epidemic, and make our schools safer, I am proud to lead Nevada’s effort to protect our vulnerable elderly populations by prosecuting those that exploit positions of financial trust,” said Laxalt. “I hope the results of this case and the diligence of my new Elder Abuse Section will deter would-be criminals from taking advantage of Nevada’s elderly.”
Adams was the designated caregiver of her 93-year-old father John Lindblade and his estate. As a caregiver, Adams was entrusted with funds for the limited purpose of providing for her father’s care. However, she subsequently converted more than $260,000 of her father’s funds for her own personal use.
Second Judicial District Court Judge James Todd Russell sentenced Adams to 30-96 months in prison, and ordered her to pay full restitution in the amount of $264,043.96.
In July, 2016, the Nevada Legislature’s Interim Finance Committee unanimously approved AG Laxalt’s request to combat increasing financial fraud within the State using non-taxpayer settlement funds awarded to his Office. AG Laxalt’s request included the allocation of more than $400,000 of non-taxpayer settlement funds to the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada in order to boost their capacity to fight civil guardianship exploitation and abuse. In the 2017 Legislative Session, AG Laxalt received approval to allocate approximately $250,000 in non-taxpayer settlement funds to Washoe County Legal Services which provides pro-bono legal support to Nevada’s rural counties.
The case against Vicky Jo Adams is being prosecuted by Senior Deputy Attorney General Tirzah Mathews. To view the filed criminal Information against Vicky Jo Adams, click here. To file a complaint about someone suspected of committing fraud, click here.
(Photo courtesy of the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office)