(Angle for Senate campaign) – Reno, NV – Sharron Angle (R-NV), a former state legislator who leads Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) in the latest polls conducted by Mason-Dixon and Rasmussen, proved victorious over the weekend by handily defeating all primary Republican opponents in a straw poll conducted in Washoe County, Nevada’s second largest county.
Angle took the good news only lightly, saying that she appreciates knowing that the party faithful recognizes her as somebody who can be trusted to legislate on behalf of her constituents and not herself. Angle, who served eight years in the Nevada Legislature, became known early on as a consistent conservative who battled against unconstitutional government and run-away taxes.
Angle spokesperson Jerry Stacy said he respected Angle’s modesty, but emphasized that he thought the results were momentous.
“There were ten candidates on that ballot, and Mrs. Angle toppled them all by earning 43% of the take. Her results equaled the combined total of the top three runner-ups,” Stacy explained.
The three runner-ups that Stacy referred to were former Nevada Republican Chairwoman Sue Lowden at 18%, real estate developer Danny Tarkanian at 15%, and State Senator Mark Amodei at 10%. Other candidates including Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki scored single digits or less than 1% from a total of 310 voters being polled.
“These percentages represent voters who are tuned in early on, and it is characteristic of the type of engaged voter who is likely to cast a ballot during a primary election. I believe these are remarkable numbers that bode very well for Mrs. Angle,” Stacy added.
“It’s rewarding,” said Angle, “but the real poll is not until November, and my goal now is the same as always, which is introducing my conservative record of lower taxes and smaller government to every voter in every corner of the state. My plan remains unchanged — I will continue campaigning as if I was in last place everywhere.”
Stacy appreciated Angle’s reserved assessment, but calculated that Angle is doing well.
“She spends a lot of time campaigning, and even Harry Reid expressed concern to the press that Sharron Angle was ‘quite a campaigner.’ She is being well received throughout the state, and once you meet Sharron you discover there is nothing pompous or pretentious about her at all. She drives a 1989 GMC pick-up truck that has more miles than Scott Brown’s truck — she used it Saturday after the straw poll results to load up some equipment and drive out to the gun range for some practice.”