(Chuck Muth) – Some new readers have written asking if I’m exaggerating or if Nevada Republican Party Chairman Chris Comfort is really the raging egomaniac that I and others have suggested he is. And to answer that, I bring you…Chris Comfort.
The following is the actual press release Captain DisComfort sent out NATIONALLY via PRWeb.com a two years ago at the conclusion of the Clark County Republican Party convention. Remember, DisComfort sent the following press release out about….himself. You decide if this guy is full of himself or not:
Chris Comfort Conducts the Most Successful Clark County Republican Party’s Convention in Nevada’s History
The Clark County Republican Party Central Committee delegates broke all records for Nevada. With some 3100 delegates in attendance, Republicans put on their best game and showed the Dems how a meeting should be conducted. With proper planning and execution, the Republicans under the leadership of Chris Comfort were able to complete their convention on time and effectively.
Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) March 10, 2008 — Chris Comfort, Dentist and Entrepreneur, conducted the most successful Clark County Republican Convention in Nevada’s State History. Records were broken and the meeting was a resounding success, passing by-laws, resolutions and a platform, everyone was heard by following parliamentary procedure.
“As I lay in bed on this Sunday morning, I am smiling, thinking about all of you who made yesterday’s meeting a resounding success. Wow. What a day! We broke all records for Clark County! I wanted to personally thank everyone who volunteered,” Dr. Comfort wrote to the team. “We accomplished all of our goals and objectives and then some….we raised and contributed money, we garnered support in terms of time from each other, we assembled a great venue of speakers, we had a super ppt presentation and despite only two technical errs and one committee procedural error, everything, and I do mean everything, represented democracy in action; Republicans being Republicans in getting the job done. I was so proud to represent you!”
“With some 3000 in attendance, with everyone being heard, we have placed southern Nevada on the map as Republican territory. It is up to us now to get the word out….whereas the Dems blew their meeting, we were successful, our opinions were heard (literally) and our rallying cry for a Republican president was yelled! Even the press heard that one! We are the leaders of the Republican Party, each one of us,” said Dr. Comfort. “All of you are truly great Republicans and great Americans…thank you for allowing me to represent you during the meeting as chair. Believe it or not, I had fun! I personally received over 500 handshakes complimenting us!”
Dr. Comfort continued, “My son had a friend spend the night, the boy’s mother just came to the door to pick up her son and after a brief Sunday morning conversation, she stated to me, “I heard that your meeting went very well as reported on XM radio-POTUS station. I am proud that Republicans had such a great meeting, at mine, the failed Democrat convention, I moved around twice during the meeting because I feared for my life, it was so bad, and no one ever had a chance to speak.”
Another well wisher wrote, “I would like to commend you all on a job well done. I have been involved with the CCRP for over four years. I think yesterday was the finest day since I have been involved. The teamwork, effort, and dedication you all showed was amazing. To my knowledge that was the largest, best organized GOP event in NV history. Numerous people who have been involved in local politics for a long time came up to me to comment on how well things went. Jon Seaton the RNC Reg. Political Director was extremely impressed.”
And another wrote, “Hi Chris, I wanted to congratulate you for your superb handling of the many challenges you faced at the Convention yesterday. The approach you took to see that all were heard was great, though I felt there was too much of the same thing being said by the people that spoke during the special session of the Platform Committee after lunch. At least the people that wanted to speak were given an opportunity, which is what the convention is all about. This was my first experience attending a political convention. It was a very interesting experience and I will do it again.”
I rest my case.