Chuck Kozak & the Mystery of the Missing Ballot Box

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(Chuck Muth) – Some people should just know when to keep their mouths shut.

As we all now know, that missing box of meaningless convention delegate ballots from the 2008 Nevada GOP convention was found in a locked box guarded by a Leprechaun and a unicorn at the Peppermill Casino in Reno last week. On Friday about two dozen Terhunites beamed themselves into Washoe County GOP headquarters to open the box and count the ballots – an exercise in utter futility if ever there was one.

The point here isn’t so much to ridicule the foolishness of Paultards continuing to cry over this spilt milk so much as it is to ridicule someone who had nothing to do with this mess and yet is trying to use it to breathe life into his DOA candidacy for U.S. Senate.

Chuck Kozak attended the ballot count on Friday and took the opportunity to criticize fellow GOP senatorial candidate Sue Lowden – who was chairman of the Nevada GOP at the time of the botched convention – saying the matter was “a reflection of the arrogance and high-handedness that hovers over her.”

Oh, puh-lease.

Lowden campaign manager Robert Uithoven, when asked about Kozak’s criticism by Reno Gazette-Journal reporter Anjeanette Damon, responded thusly: “Chuck who? I don’t recall anyone named Chuck Kozak ever – in any year, in any election cycle – stepping up to try to help the party or any of its candidates.”


The Paultard malcontents who made such a mountain out of this molehill at least WERE THERE!

Sightings of Big Foot in Tonopah have been more frequent than sightings of Chuck Kozak at a Nevada Republican Party event. At least the Paultards have earned the right to criticize Lowden, regardless of how off-base I may personally feel about their actions. But where does Chuck Kozak get the stones to cast stones in this matter?

Sue Lowden was elected a Republican NEVADA state senator after defeating the then-Democrat majority leader in a 3-1 Democrat district. She and her husband Paul have donated in excess of a quarter million dollars to NEVADA Republican candidates over the last dozen years. And she has VOLUNTEERED her time as NEVADA Republican Party chairman for the last two years.

Now, you may not like Sue. And you may not agree with Sue. And you may think Sue completely botched the ’08 convention. But at least she’s been there in the trenches, has put her money where her mouth is, and has paid her GOP dues in NEVADA.

What the hell has johnny-come-lately Chuck Kozak ever done for Republicans or the Republican Party in NEVADA? I mean, has the guy even voted in a NEVADA election yet?

As the old saying goes, better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Or as my friend Pedro would say: “En boca cerrada no entran moscas.”