(Las Vegas, NV) – Last night, at the bimonthly meeting of the Clark County Republican Central Committee, the following resolution was passed:
RNC Rule 11(a) Resolution
WHEREAS Republican National Committee (RNC) Rule 11(a) states that “The Republican National Committee shall not, without the prior written and filed approval of all members of the Republican National Committee from the state involved, contribute money or inkind aid to any candidate for any public or party office except the nominee of the Republican Party or a candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary after the filing deadline for that office…”; and
WHEREAS the clear intent of Rule 11(a) is to ensure a fair, unbiased process for determining which candidates will receive the endorsement and support of the RNC during general elections; and WHEREAS multiple viable candidates are still actively campaigning for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States; and
WHEREAS the Republican Nominee for President of the United States will not be selected until the Republican National Convention in late August, 2012; and
WHEREAS RNC Chairman Reince Priebus announced on April 25, 2012 that the RNC had selected Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney as the RNC’s “presumptive nominee” and that the RNC would be merging with the Romney campaign; and
WHEREAS the RNC has subsequently begun providing the Romney campaign with significant financial resources and manpower, assisting it with organization and fundraising; and
WHEREAS these acts by RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and the RNC Executive Committee constitute multiple flagrant violations of RNC Rule 11(a);
1. TheClarkCounty Republican Party hereby condemns the actions of RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and the RNC Executive Committee, and demands that Mr. Priebus resign as Chairman immediately for his role in these egregious violations of RNC Rules,
2. The Clark County Republican Party hereby declares that so long as more than one candidate is actively campaigning for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States, the Clark County Republican Party will reject any and all attempts by the RNC or any other organization to pressure or coerce the Clark County Republican Party into supporting or coordinating with any one specific candidate,
3. The Communications Director of the CCRP shall issue the attached national press release pertaining to this matter within 24 hours, and the Secretary of the CCRP shall transmit electronic or written copies of both this resolution and the above referenced press release to the RNC Executive Committee, The Nevada Republican Party Executive Committee, the executive body of each county Republican Party within the State of Nevada, and the entire membership of theClark County Republican Central Committeewithin 5 days of acceptance. Additionally, a copy of this resolution and the attached press release shall be displayed prominently on the home page of the ClarkGOP.org website for a minimum of 30 days.
ClarkCountyRepublican Party
May 15, 2012