(Chuck Muth) – Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo is running for governor and is leading in the GOP primary.
Former Clark County Undersheriff Kevin McMahill is running to replace Lombardo and is leading in the GOP primary.
Former Metro police lieutenant and current Las Vegas city councilman Stavros Anthony is running for lieutenant governor and is one of the leading candidates in the GOP primary.
And the long knives are out for all three…
On Friday, the Las Vegas Review-Journal resurrected a misconduct complaint filed in 1995 against McMahill and his partner at the time – OVER 25 YEARS AGO – related to the arrest of an illegal prostitute caught in possession of crack cocaine.
Not sure, but I think she might be running for mayor of Washington, DC this year! 😊
Anyway, the allegations were made by a bitter, disgruntled fellow female officer, Jennifer Clampit, who claims she witnessed the incident and “would later sue the department, alleging that an atmosphere of sexual harassment permeated the force in the summer of 1995.”
Jurors in Clampit’s civil trial “ruled against her and did not find the conduct was unwelcome.”
McMahill, to this day, denies the allegations. “It didn’t happen,” he told the RJ in an interview. “I deny any of the allegations that Jennifer Clampit made.”
“No criminal charges were filed” against McMahill, the RJ reports, and he was subsequently promoted to every single rank over the years, leading up to second in command under Lombardo until his retirement in 2020.
The allegations were reported to Metro’s Internal Affairs Bureau and were investigated at the time by Anthony, who has no recollection of the incident.
“I was a supervisor at Metro for most of my career,” he told the RJ, “so I supervised thousands of people.”
Another Metro officer involved in the investigation, retired Capt. Mark Taverez, told the RJ that “Clampit changed her story during a pre-determination hearing and laid all the blame” on McMahill’s then-partner.
Taverez, who retired seven years ago, said McMahill “is going to be a great sheriff.”
Democrats, naturally, are now trying to use the brouhaha against Lombardo in his race to replace Democrat Nevada Gov. Steve “Shutdown” Sisolak, claiming he “turned a blind eye while an officer with a history of misconduct rose (through) the ranks of the department.”
Oh, puh-lease.
Lombardo responded on Friday…
“(Kevin McMahill) was investigated and cleared of these charges decades ago, and choosing to resurface these claims now is nothing more than a brazen and baseless political attack.”
“Kevin’s character has been evidenced by his long career at Metro, where he dutifully served and successfully climbed the ranks under three sheriffs. As sheriff, I have the utmost faith in Kevin’s integrity, and I’m fully confident in his ability to lead Metro after my tenure.”
Here’s the good news for Republicans…
Democrats don’t attack GOP candidates unless they’re afraid they might win.
In the case of Lombardo, McMahill and Anthony, they’re clearly scared down to their skivvies.
In fact, the far-left Las Vegas Sun-Pravda published another entire editorial this morning trashing Lombardo – a career law enforcement officer! – and accusing him of “cowardice.”
Welcome to Campaign ’22!
The Smell of Fear
“Nevada is set to be one of the toughest battleground states in this year’s election. Experts say it’s one of the states most likely to flip from blue to red.” – Team Sisolak, 3/11/22
New Tax Pledge Signers ‘22
- Tony Palmer – State Assembly
- Cherlyn Arrington – State Senate
For the complete, running list of taxpayer champions who have pledged to “oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes,” click here
If you’ve already signed and your name is not on the list, please forward a copy of your Pledge to chuck@chuckmuth.com. If you need a copy of the Pledge to sign, shoot me an email noting what seat you’re running for and I’ll send it to you.
“Leave aside the crushing irony of a taxpayer-funded agency telling a taxpayer that taxpayer-paid employees working in a taxpayer-funded building need to charge taxpayers to access a taxpayer-owned record in a taxpayer-financed computer system.” – Steve Sebelius on outrageous fees governments charge citizens to obtain public records