* Citizen Outreach’s 2020 Mexican Riviera ConservaCruise scheduled for April 4-11 has been cancelled. We are weighing options for re-scheduling, possibly in the fall. Maybe the week after the November election. We’ll either be celebrating four more years of Donald Trump…or drowning our sorrows over the death of American independence under Sleepy Joe Biden.
* Are there any Democrats still defending open borders?
* Newt Gingrich Nails It: “A reporter asked me today why conservatives were initially so skeptical of the threat of the coronavirus. I tried to explain that one of the dangerous consequences of having a totally dishonest left-wing news media was that most Americans discounted their hysteria as phony.”
* Scott Adams Nails It, Too: “If you think the drop in the stock market is impressive, wait for the inevitable recovery. It will burn your pants off. We are evolving, not melting. The #stockmarketcrash recovery is the one thing I will guarantee without reservation. Timing is the only question.”
* Dina Titus Swings & Misses: “Las Vegas is a thriving city because of the workers who power it.” Um, no. Las Vegas is (was) a thriving city because of the TOURISTS who power it. They’ve now disappeared. And “the workers” are powerless to bring them back.
* Wu-Flu Silver Lining: With all the schools closing a lot of parents are gonna learn the tremendous benefits of homeschooling. With any luck a large number of kids will NOT return to their previous government education indoctrination centers when the crisis is over.
* RINO-Hunt. Assemblywoman Chris “The Weasel” Edwards drew a last-minute GOP primary challenge from conservative Mesquite City Councilwoman Annie Black last Friday. Will have a LOT more about this race down the road. But for now…game on.
* RINO-Return. Also on the last day of filing, Assemblyman Al Kramer (R-Carson City) announced he was NOT running for re-election. Same day: Tax-hiking former Assemblyman P.K. O’Neill filed for his old seat. Hard to imagine this was anything but a pre-arranged, coordinated, long-planned, stab in the back to conservatives.
* I’m thinking about launching a new project dedicated to Nevada’s insufferable #2 liberal blogger, Jon Ralston. Stay tuned for details.
* Speaking of The Little Blogger Who Couldn’t, he got his panties in a wad over me referring to the Wuhan Virus as the “Kung Flu.” This really made him mad. So please don’t refer to the Kung Flu as the Kung Flu or Jon might get upset with you, too.
2020 Tax Pledge Signers in Nevada
CD02: Mark Amodei
CD03: Dan Rodimer
CD04: Lisa Sutton
CD04: Jim Marchant
CD04: Sam Peters
CD04: Rebecca Wood
CD04: Charles Navarro
AD02: Jim Small
AD02: Heidi Kasama
AD04: Richard McArthur
AD07: Tony Palmer
AD15: Stan Vaughn
AD26: Lisa Krasner
AD36: Joe Bradley
AD37: Andy Matthews
AD38: Robin Titus
AD39: Jim Wheeler
“You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives with working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from someone else.” – Dr. Adrian Rogers