e-Interview with Shelly Shelton

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ShelShelly Shelton is a first-time candidate running for a Nevada state legislative seat.  She does not have a primary challenger, so she will be going straight to the general election in November.

The seat Shelly is seeking has a large Democrat voter registration advantage, but if you're a constitutional conservative, you're gonna LOVE how Shelly gives straight answers to straight questions no matter her chances.

Indeed, while I suspect not everyone will agree with her proposed solutions to the illegal immigration problem, no one can claim she hasn't thought this issue through and has a detailed plan of action.

Enjoy this exclusive “Mother's Day” interview for Silver State Confidential subscribers…

1.)    What seat are you running for and where?

Assembly District 10. This area is centered around Decatur and Charleston in Las Vegas.

2.)    Why are you running?

Our Assembly is stuffed with those who believe we can tax our way to prosperity and who believe the 2nd amendment is outdated.  They have proved this over and over again. I would like to do my part to remove one of these misguided legislators and replace them with liberty minded values.

3.)    What are your qualifications?

I am a Nevadan first, a multiple business owner, a mother, wife, gun owner and a teacher (homeschool).  Having pulled a few of our businesses through the recession I know how to make decisions that can help pull a state through rough economic times. I know what it is like to teach, and I know what it is like to have a child in public school.  Our oldest is 27 and he attended public school.  I am an avid researcher and you can bet I will never vote on any piece of legislation that I haven't read and researched fully.  Also, I am not an attorney. That alone should qualify me.

4.)    Who is your opponent(s) and what’s wrong with him/her/them?

Most likely I will be running against Jonathon Freidrich. He is the frontrunner. Freidrich is a very liberal Northeast transplant who is a heavy proponent of gun control. He repeatedly states that the “rich” need to pay higher taxes and has a lot of schemes to make them pay. However, his biggest areas of concern when talking to voters are HOA issues, Smartmeters, and our “Carbon Footprint”.  I think he is out of touch with voters.  If I can reach many of them they will be able to see that my concerns are the same as theirs.

J.T. Creedon is also running. He is a paid lobbyist for Bloomberg. He is fresh out of a long college career and has the backing of a lot of college kids who, like him, have never really had to produce anything or pay for anything. He is quoted in an newspaper interview saying that our school system was so bad, he was probably going to graduate and get out of Nevada and never come back.

Jake Holder is a veteran and holds himself out as a moderate Democrat.  He is the least likely to win the primary at this point so I haven't studied his stances as much.

5.)    Why did you sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge and how do you respond to the criticism that it locks you in and doesn’t give you any flexibility to negotiate in the Legislature?

Republicans in the Legislature need to stop negotiating. Republicans have proven that negotiating with Democrats has done nothing but produce a watered down representation of Republican voters. We need to stand or fall on our integrity. If we can ensure there is a decent governor in office we can eliminate the  temptation to negotiate away our integrity.  I signed the pledge because I will not vote for a single tax increase unless every single dime of taxpayer money is accounted for and used to its full potential. And we all know when that will happen.

6.)    Philosophically, how would you generally characterize yourself – moderate, fiscal conservative, social conservative, libertarian-conservative, constitutional conservative, or something else?  Explain?

I am a Constitutional Libertarian.  I believe the constitution is one of the greatest documents ever produced by man.  By following it we can remain the greatest country on earth. I believe that constitution was written BY libertarians FOR libertarians and does not allow for any stance other than fiscal conservative.

7.)    What is the proper role of government?

See The constitution. It only takes about 30 minutes to read. It outlines exactly what the role of the Federal government is.  The proper role of government is to provide for a unified defense and foreign relations. To promote and provide for interstate commerce including roads and other means of interstate conveyance, To maintain a court system for justice, to protect intellectual and individual rights. To establish a means of currency. Federal Government has no legal right to involve itself in charity, state or local level regulations, or many of other projects we fund with our tax dollars today.

8.)     What are your top THREE issues and why?

Gun rights, because an armed society is a polite society.  Reduced government interference with business on ALL levels because that is the way to national prosperity.  Individual rights that have been eroded through unconstitutional laws because it has created a class of sub citizens who have little chance of the American dream..

9.)    If Gov. Sandoval again breaks his word and proposes extending the “sunsets,” in whole or in part, will you vote for or against the extension?  If against, what would you cut to make up for the reduced revenue that would come in?

I would vote against extending them.  I would look at every expenditure and look for ways to cut.  We could start by making each agency do their own cuts, making sure the electric bill is always the last item to be paid. They can prioritize everything in their own budget however they want, but unless they work within the budget they will be working on cell phones with no air conditioning. No one wants to work without air conditioning in Nevada.

10.) Should Nevada’s Modified Business Tax (MBT), the tax imposed on large employers for every employee they hire, be repealed?  If so, what would you replace it with or what would you cut from the budget to make up for the lost revenue?

It should be repealed. Salaries are outrageous at all levels of our government.  Benefits are clearly out of step with private business.  We need to keep our commitments on current benefits but make deep cuts on any new hires. That would be a good start.

11.) Would you consider a revenue-neutral tax reform proposal that would broaden the state’s tax base by reducing the sales tax on goods and imposing it on certain services?  Why or why not?

No. History has proven that once a tax source is opened up, it will never remain tax neutral. I oppose all new sources of taxation.

12.) Have you read the new Nevada Republican Party platform and if so, do you support it in its entirety?  If not, which planks do you have a problem with?

I disagree with dropping abortion from the platform. Abortion is still murder. We should never give up the fight to change the law regarding this. Especially now. We have more support for getting rid of abortion than we have had in 30 years. We dropped the ball on that one.   As far as the same-sex marriage issue goes, if we are going to wash our hands of that issue we should have added to our plank that we oppose any and all state licensing of any kind of marriage. If it is a religious issue the state had no right to license it, under any circumstances.

13.) There is a petition being circulated that would repeal Gov. Sandoval’s Silver State Exchange, Nevada’s home-grown ObamaCare program?  Do you support or oppose this initiative and why?

Yes, I support it. The entire system of forcing Americans to buy something is wrong.

14.) Do you support or oppose the proposal to repeal Nevada’s ban on gay marriages?  Why or why not?

I oppose it. The people spoke. We need to listen. See above.

15.) Assuming you do not support deporting all 12 million-plus immigrants who are currently in the United States illegally, what do we do about them?

1) Set a date for all here illegally to apply for an identification card….a card that will also let them drive to work and a means and requirement to provide proof of insurance.

2) Background check each of them.

3) Start the clock on a 5 year plan to citizenship.  During that time they will have:

a) NO government benefits whatsoever.

b) The right to work for anyone who will hire them.

c) Limited rights – they can't sue for any acts that are not criminal.

d) They will not VOTE. Voting results in immediate deportation. AND WE WILL CHECK!

e) They will have the right to protect themselves as any other human being. The 2nd amendment is a human right, not a citizenship right. The same goes for free speech and worship. We do not need a new class of crime victims.

4) During that time they will give us:

a) Proof of income. If they go more than 8 weeks without work, unless temporarily physically unable, they will be deported.

b) A flat immigration tax of 25% of their income during that five year period will be collected and used to fund administrative costs. Half of that will go to the Federal Government and half will go to the state.

c) They will be required to become proficient in ENGLISH, reading, speaking and writing, and will have to prove that at the end of the five year period. If they can't they will be deported.

d) Their own community will be responsible for setting up aid for those in need and pooled funds for healthcare facilities to treat healthcare needs. These can be done through community donations. I for one will donate.

e) Their own community will be responsible for the education of their children during the 5 year period. All children of illegals will be pulled out of public schools immediately and placed in immigrant community funded private schools until the parents achieve citizenship. FIRST PRIORITY, ENGLISH LITERACY.These schools need NO federal oversight. They should be run entirely by the immigrant community to ensure cost effectiveness.

There are plenty of legal immigrants and natural born citizens here in the United States who can ban together and fund any needs for this five year period.

After the five year period these men, women and children, upon proving literacy and swearing an oath to the United States, will become full citizens.

Finally, there has to be a  streamlining of the immigration process to allow legal immigration without so much red tape.

The current system needs to be scrapped and we need to start all over again.

This is a bitter pill period. But it will only last 5 years.

How is this possible?

Because after the cutoff date for signing up for the card ANY immigrants found without the card IMMEDIATELY get deported, no questions asked.

I would propose that ALL Border patrol be limited to operating within 2 miles of the border. And border control be stripped of any authority outside that range. This would keep them doing their job instead of harassing American Citizens.

Congress should demand the border be secured if it takes every Border Patrol officer, BLM Agent, EPA agent, ATF agent, DEA agent and IRS agent to do it. The Border is their JOB and their PRIORITY. It is one of the few duties they actually have by law. Better yet, disband all those agencies and offer them all jobs with a NEW Border Patrol with a new directive.

16.) Do you support and would you co-sponsor a bill to allow concealed carry permit holders to carry their weapons on college and university campuses?  How about elementary and secondary school campuses?

Yes and Yes

17.) Assuming you support school vouchers, do you support them for everybody regardless of family income, or only for low-to-moderate income families.  Explain.

I support equal school vouchers for Nevada citizens as long as it has a net neutral effect on the state budget. It is not perfect, but it is better than having our students forced into public schools like they are now.

18.) Who are the top three conservative leaders who have had the greatest influence on your political thinking – and Ronald Reagan doesn’t count (he’s a given)?

Contemporary?  Ron Paul, Alan Keyes  and  to a limited extent Rand Paul.

19.) If you were to host a dinner party at your home for four guests, living or deceased, which four people would you invite and why?  Oh, and Jesus and Moses are busy that night and can’t make it.

Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.  That should make for a contentious night of arguing.

20.) What is your campaign’s website address and why should anyone go there and donate to your campaign?


Because I am dedicating my life to restoring individual responsibility and individual liberty to Nevadans and beyond.