(Chuck Muth) – In the 1989 movie “Batman,” Jack Nicholson, playing the Joker, declared, “This town needs an enema!”
Americans from coast-to-coast came to a similar conclusion about Washington, DC on November 8th. And Donald Trump is already administering the treatment. But our nation also needs an “attitude adjustment.”
One of Mr. Trump’s more memorable lines during the campaign was that “America doesn’t win anymore.” And there are two main reasons for that…
1.) For years the left has not only demonized success and wealth in this country, it’s discouraged even the pursuit of success and wealth in this country.
2.) The left has infected the country with an “entitlement” mentality that has spread from the low-income community into the middle class – and especially among the Millennial generation.
So how do we get our groove back? One way would be to regularly share success stories with our kids and grandkids like this one from entertainer Paula Abdul…
“When I was 7, my parents went through a divorce. At the time, I carpooled to school with two friends – Karen and Leslie. Twice a week, they had ballet lessons, so I had to watch until they finished.
“At home, I’d remember every floor exercise and the barre work they had done. I’d hang onto the kitchen sink and practice what I saw. Since my parents were divorcing, it wasn’t a good idea to ask them about ballet lessons. But one day, the teacher saw my feet moving and came over to ask why I wasn’t taking a class.
“I told her that I didn’t think my family could afford the lessons. She said, ‘So what are you going to do about that?’ I thought for a moment and said, ‘What if I cleaned the floors, the bathrooms and mirrors for lessons?’ We had a deal.
“I quickly advanced to the adult class. One day the teacher had me demonstrate a routine. When I finished I was beaming. She said, ‘Look, Paula has short, squatty legs and arms…’
“I ran to the bathroom and cried. What I didn’t hear was what she said next: ‘…but she executed better than all of you with your long, graceful arms and legs.’ In the bathroom, I decided that nothing was going to stop me from doing what I loved to do.”
Abdul went on to become a Los Angeles Lakers cheerleader, a Grammy-winning dancer, an award-winning choreographer, an actress and a singer – with six Billboard #1 singles and two #1 albums.
This kind of attitude is uniquely and quintessentially American. It’s the kind of attitude we used to champion instead of whining and complaining as if everybody was somehow “entitled” to success without sacrifice.
It’s the kind of attitude adjustment we need to make America great again.
(Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of NevadaNewsandViews.com.)