(Chuck Muth) – The case against the egomaniacal Nevada Republican Party Chairman Chris “Captain Queeg” Comfort (“Ahh, but the strawberries that’s…that’s where I had them.”) remaining at the helm of what is starting to seriously resemble the political equivalent of the Titanic continues to grow.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported yesterday that GOP SoS candidate Rob Lauer “is being sued in Las Vegas and Southern California and was arrested in Florida on a theft charge. Much of the trouble stems from claims that the candidate, Rob Lauer, ripped off a couple of customers purchasing aircraft from him over eBay.”
Since no other Republican, credible or otherwise, was recruited to file for the office, Lauer will be on the November ballot as the GOP’s nominee.
“That a candidate with legal baggage is the only Republican to have filed to run for secretary of state, the third-highest office in Nevada, is evidence that the state Republican Party doesn’t have the organization to recruit a deep roster of candidates, political experts say,” reported the RJ.
Nice job, Captain DisComfort.
Meanwhile, a party regularly shot me an email last week reminding me of the early days of Captain DisComfort’s reign:
“You should also point out, in regards to the whole (Chris) Comfort situation, how he made an active effort to look for a personal assistant. Sue Lowden didn’t have one, Paul Adams didn’t have one and yet barely three months into his job, Comfort, with all of his ego, decides he needs a personal assistant.
“Even more brazen, is how he did this before the party hired an executive director (with e-board approval) or put a solid voter registration program in place – that is unless you call waiting for the county to purge the voter file, a solid voter registration program, then of course, I stand corrected.”
No, no. You are correct.
And while we’re on the subject, here’s a pair of additional Captain DisComfort nuggets.
First, I’ve now been told that one of the main reasons the Nevada GOP convention scheduled for April 24th was cancelled and postponed until June is that Captain DisComfort was pushing to hold a “Rock the Constitution” concert featuring Kid Rock at the Hard Rock Hotel. Alas, the party didn’t have the $100,000 for the deposit. Go figure.
But seriously, why in the world try to convert the biennial GOP convention into a rock concert? What was this guy thinking?
Maybe this is why the party Executive Board, or so I’ve been told, has effectively neutered Captain DisComfort, telling him he can’t do ANYTHING as chairman without the board’s approval in advance. And that includes managing the staff.
Side Note: The Nevada GOP has hired a new executive director who comes highly recommended by some folks whose opinion I highly respect. I hear he comes from Alabama, but not with a banjo on his knee. And he starts today. Not a minute too soon.
Secondly, after this brouhaha between Captain DisComfort and myself hit the fan last week, the guy actually called – and I kid (rock) you not – a professional “media consultant” and tried to hire her to deal with me and this situation instead of picking up the phone and dealing with it like a man himself.
The media consultant tried to arrange a lunch where we were supposed to try to find some areas of mutual interest and resolve our differences. I declined.
My only interest now is in getting this paranoid egomaniac out of the chairman’s chair and replacing him with somebody who actually knows what the hell they’re doing before he blows the election opportunities Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are handing the GOP in Nevada this year on a silver platter.
And if Captain DisComfort won’t go on his own, it’s time for the party’s executive board to give him a little push off the plank. Or a big shove. Whatever it takes.