Heck Mulls Jump into CD 3 Race

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Republican gubernatorial candidate Dr. Joe Heck says he is “seriously considering” leaving the governor’s race and entering the race for Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District seat currently held by Rep. Dina Titus (D-Nevada).

Heck attended a meeting in Las Vegas today called by former Republican CD 3 candidate John Guedry – who withdrew from the race for family reasons last Friday – and a number of Republican Party leaders who told Heck that his experience and expertise on health care and military issues would make him a formidable candidate for Congress against Titus, a former university professor.

The former state senator told those at the meeting that he has become increasingly concerned with the direction the Obama administration has taken over the last six months, especially on health care issues and the war in Afghanistan, and promised to seriously consider the suggestion that he switch gears and take up the congressional race.

Heck said he would discuss the matter with his family and announce a decision soon, perhaps as early as the end of this week.