(Victor Joecks, Las Vegas Review-Journal) – Senate Majority Leader Aaron Ford, D-Las Vegas, and Assembly Speaker Jason Frierson, D-Las Vegas, attend a church with a pastor who believes that homosexuality is a sin.
Victory Missionary Baptist Church is led by Rev. Robert E. Fowler Sr., and both Ford and Frierson attend services there. Just two months ago, Fowler even offered the opening prayer for both the Assembly and Senate on the first day of the Legislative Session.
Ford and Frierson are Nevada’s most powerful Democrat state-level elected officials. Their pastor’s position on homosexuality, however, is far outside the Democrat mainstream.
“We believe that everyone is to be restored to God,” said Fowler on KNPR’s State of Nevada in February 2013. “So whether you commit adultery, whether you commit fornication, whether you’re a child molester, you gossip, you lie, you cheat on your taxes, you don’t pay your tithes, things of that nature. All of that is wrapped together as sin, along with homosexuality. And so at our church, we don’t believe that there’s any one sin that’s greater than anything else.”