(Stephen Moore | Committee to Unleash Prosperity) – This is a fun story of historical revisionism from the friends of Kamala in the media.
They are now claiming that Republicans are fabricating this story of Kamala as “Border Czar.”
So it’s not her fault. Got that?
And after all, if she were the border czar, wouldn’t she have actually spent some time AT the border? Good point.
What we have here is the media splitting hairs. Her official title was not border czar.
We did some checking and nobody since Nicolas II has held the official title of Czar. But Biden did appoint Harris on March 24, 2021, to take the lead on border policy, which he said included “enhancing migration enforcement.”
And everybody in the media – not just Republicans referred to her as border czar – including the New York Times, which reported Harris replaced previous border czar Roberta Jacobson:
Our friends at the Media Research Center produced this useful before and after video:
We also remember the stories of Kamala fuming at the White House that she had been given the impossible task of securing the border.
Under her watch illegal immigration more than quadrupled.