Say what you will about former GOP presidential candidate, businessman, best-selling author and current conservative radio talk-show host Herman Cain, but you can’t say he sugarcoats it.
Here’s what he wrote after Sen. John McCain (RINO-Arizona) cast – with much flair, pomp and circumstance – the deciding vote to kill the compromise “skinny” bill to repeal ObamaCare last week…
“Last night we saw, for the umpteenth time, exactly who and what John McCain really is. He’s a turncoat, an opportunist, and a promise-peddling glory hound. He’s a man who’s never met a camera he didn’t like, and who will trash his alleged principles at the drop of a hat – if it furthers his own greater glories and protects his seemingly endless career.”
See what I mean?
Herman also didn’t mince words in his disdain for Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who he believes knew what McCain was going to do and went forward anyway just to get the whole mess off his table…
“We got played last week, not only by swamp creature John McCain, but also by his fellow swamp creature Mitch McConnell. McConnell got to maintain his Republican bona fides by voting yes on repeal. McCain got to play his usual media hero role by voting no. And McConnell can finally get rid of this whole stupid thing he hates. Everyone wins. Except the country, of course. Screw the country.”
I can only imagine what Herman Cain will have to say at our 2017 Conservative Leadership Conference in Las Vegas next month!
If you haven’t registered yet, do it now and take advantage of the 2-for-1 “Deal of the Century” Early Bird special – which includes $50 off the cost of either a General Admission Pass or a VIP Elite Pass – before tickets are sold out.
Click here to for more information, including the full list of confirmed, high-powered conservative speakers.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Nevada’s #1 Irritator of Liberals and RINOs
P.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke came to Nevada on Sunday to tour of Nevada’s two new national monuments – Gold Butte and Basin and Range. And he was scheduled to meet on Monday with activists who oppose a Trump administration review and assessment on whether to either rescind them or reduce their size.
But Zinke was called back to The Swamp for a Cabinet meeting tied to Gen. John Kelly taking over as White House chief-of-staff and had to cancel the meeting. Which sent the liberal activists who hoped to rake Zinke over the coals into a total meltdown.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported today that opponents “fume(d) over being cut out” of Zinke’s trip.
Cry me a river. The fact is President Barack Obama seized that land with the stroke of a pen through an executive order, cutting out both the people of Nevada and Congress in the decision. So to quote Jack Nicholson in As Good as It Gets, “Sell crazy someplace else, we’re all stocked up here.”
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“My motto is, ‘Never give up.’ I follow this very strictly. I do not let problems and challenges stop me; they are normal.” – Donald Trump tweet (8/16/13)
“A new poll from a Democratic firm suggests support for Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) is cratering… A Public Policy Poll survey released on Tuesday found that only 22 percent of Nevada voters approve of Heller’s job performance, compared to 55 percent who disapprove. Twenty-three percent said they weren’t sure. . . . That’s a sharp decrease from his support in the same poll in June, when Heller enjoyed 39 percent support.” – The Hill, 8/1/17