I don’t know of any sentient human being, including Hillary Clinton supporters themselves, who believes the woman described in speeches during last night’s Democrat National Convention is who Hillary Clinton really is.
The characterizations – especially those of her horn dog husband – were pure fiction.
For the REAL Hillary, go online and watch this…
When your opponent has to lie through their teeth to advocate for their candidate, cause or issue, you know the candidate, cause or issue is on shaky ground. Like the Black Lives Matter movement.
Speaking of which…
The Democrats featured the a group black mothers whose sons or daughters were killed by law enforcement officers in a wide variety of controversial circumstances which did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to tamp down racial tensions in the country.
Especially since they shamefully failed to feature the wives and mothers of police officers who have been killed or wounded in the line of duty by blacks.
- Fraternal Order of Police Slams Hillary Clinton: Why Aren’t Widows or Children of Officers Killed On Duty Speaking at DNC?
- Giuliani On Mothers Of The Movement Speaking At DNC: Clear Democrats Are The ‘Anti-Police Party’
Apparently blue lives don’t really matter to Democrats. Something I’m guessing a lot of voters will remember in November.
Dr. Chuck Muth, PsD
Professor of Psephology (homeschooled)
Publisher / Irritator-in-Chief
P.S. I was looking over Citizen Outreach’s tax return this morning. Question 14(a) in Part V: “Did the organization receive any payments for indoor tanning services during the tax year?”
Huh? And Congress continues to do NOTHING to fix this insanely ridiculous tax code?
Ronald Reagan’s Would-Be Assassin to Be Freed
Statement by Reagan biographer Craig Shirley
“The decision to release John Hinckley, Jr. from St. Elizabeth’s psychiatric hospital after his attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan is outrageous, disgraceful and a travesty of justice.
“No matter how much supervision he has, John Hinckley cannot be trusted to move and function in society. Even though his victims, President Ronald Reagan and White House Press Secretary James Brady have passed on, Mr. Hinckley remains a threat. According to the Secret Service, he is still obsessed with Jodie Foster.
“Hinckley’s actions remain a terrible stain on American history and a reminder of the lifetime of damage that can be caused by one man in a matter of seconds.
“This is a purely political decision by Judge Paul L. Friedman who clearly wishes to corrupt Reagan’s legacy. Judge Friedman was appointed to the bench by President Bill Clinton in March of 1994. Just as a jury of liberal Washingtonians came to the liberally biased verdict that John Hinckley was innocent by reason of insanity, so too is this decision.
“Hinckley is the murderer of Jim Brady and attempted murderer of Reagan, Police officer Thomas Delahunty and Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy.
“Once again, corrupt liberal justice was served, but justice was not served for the four victims of Hinckley’s sick actions.”
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- Ann Coulter on Sanders Supporters: ‘Did Hillary Have Them Gassed?’
- Priebus: Hillary Is ‘Most Disliked’ Dem Nominee Ever
- David Axelrod: DNC Should Have Honored Police Widows, Too
- Trump Slams Megyn Again – This Time Over ISIS Strategy
- Sanders Protesters Storm Press Tent at Democratic Convention
- Dick Morris: Hillary’s Negatives Go Much Deeper Than Trump’s
- Trump: Won’t Fight ‘World War 3’ for NATO That Doesn’t Pay
- Reagan: Dems Push Immigration Because of Lost White Vote
- Gallup Poll: Clinton’s Unfavorable Rating at All-Time High
- Trump: Would ‘Think About’ Having Roger Ailes on Campaign
- DNC 2016 – Alleged Rapist Bill Clinton: We Empower Women
- Maddow Trashes Bill Clinton’s DNC Speech: ‘Shocking And Weird’
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- Top Dem Axelrod told to ‘shut up’ for tweet on DNC speakers
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- Sanders Busted in Convention Lie
- No Union Break For DNC Concession Workers
- Industrial A/C Units Powered On Fossil Fuels Keep Dems Cool At Convention
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- Le Pen: ‘They kill our children, murder our policemen, slaughtering our priests. Wake up!’
- Meet The ‘Dirty Division,’ The Once-Loathed Band Of Operators That’s Taking It To ISIS In Iraq
- Young Muslims Threaten Nudist Bathers With ‘Extermination’
- Emails: DNC Staffers Annoyed At Having To Commemorate Holocaust
- Democratic Congressman Compares Jews to ‘Termites’
- Democratic Youth Council shows why we dislike millennials
- Police Officer Denied Service At Restaurant, Cook Says ‘I Ain’t Serving That’
- Report: Shooting Deaths of Law Enforcement Spike in 2016
- New Study: Police Are Not ‘More Likely To Injure Blacks And Hispanics Than Whites’
- Baltimore Prosecutors Drop All Charges in Freddie Gray Case
- Whites Ordered to Back of Crowd at Black March
- ‘Bill Clinton Made Black Lives Worth Less’
- Poll: Trump Enjoys Six Point Bump with Women Post-Convention
- Mediaite: Democratic Voters Can’t Stand Clinton VP Tim Kaine
- Dems letting Wasserman Schultz sink or swim as $$ flows into primary foe
- Rep. Alan Grayson Goes Off On Reporter Who Asked Him About His Alleged Domestic Abuse
- Liberals abandon Grayson after domestic abuse claims
- Jesse Jackson: ‘Almost all’ convicts vote Democratic, wants more registered
- Rendell: Trump’s Trade Message Is Resonating in Pennsylvania — ‘This State Is in Play’
- Obama Attendance at Paris ‘Climate Change’ Conference Cost Taxpayers $2,976,296.20
- IRS opens investigation into Clinton Foundation activities
- Top insurer reports higher O’care costs
- Pro-Oil Group Apologizes For ‘Hot Lesbians’ Ad Promoting Canadian Oil Sands
- Legal Sea Foods in hot water over latest ad featuring “Cold Fish” Hillary Clinton
- Huffington Post: Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership Obama’s Vietnam?
- Business Insider: TPP Could Destroy Clinton’s Chances for White House
- Seth Meyers Mocks Bernie Sanders Holdouts: ‘Stop Crying’ and Back Hillary
- Chuck Norris: Hillary Would ‘Destroy What Is Left of Our Republic’
- Panic Hollywood: 100 Celebs Pledge to Stop ‘Dangerous’ Donald Trump
- Whoopi: ‘I Can’t Get Mad That the System Is Rigged Against the White Guy’ Bernie Sanders
- ‘Clinton Cash’ Author Schweizer to Mark Cuban: Debate Me or Shut Up
- Press says Sarah Silverman now a ‘powerful political force’
- Actress Kimberlin Brown Breaks Down After RNC Speech
“Hillary didn’t get the nomination. The nomination was stolen.” – Debra Dilks, a Bernie Sanders supporter at the Democrat National Convention
“Trump has said before that Clinton supports a ‘500 percent increase in Syrian refugees,’ something that Politifact has said is ‘mostly true.’ Trump has called for the U.S. to restrict the number of foreigners coming into the country.” – Washington Examiner, 7/27/16