(Fred Weinberg/The Penny Press) – I’m not like Rush Limbaugh.
No matter how much I disagree with a sitting President, I would never wish for his failure in public. In fact, I said on January 20, 2009 and still believe that anybody who watched the inauguration and didn’t have just a little bit of a lump in their throat just doesn’t understand that America truly is the land of unlimited opportunity.
But I’m not going to mince words about that sitting President’s grasp of his job and his relationship with reality. Or the fact that his administration has already failed its constituents in so many ways.
Last fall, this President’s Federal Communications Commission and his clearly failed Department of so-called Justice succeeded in torpedoing AT&T’s buy out of T-Mobile. Their stated reasoning, to refresh your memory, was that it would cost jobs and reduce competition.
Never mind that T-Mobile (owned largely by the German Government through Deutsch Telecom) was a failing company and needed to be bought. Never mind that AT&T is the most quintessential of American companies and desperately needed more spectrum so that its customers could use iPhones, Android phones and other devices at will.
And never mind that AT&T had pledged to keep many T-Mobile jobs intact.
It was the beginning of election silly season and the Obama administration used AT&T like a whipping post because everybody hates their cell phone company, right?
So the deal came apart, thanks to the politics of a failing presidency.
Now, here’s the fallout.
My iPhone still works pretty well. But for folks in seven United States cities, a net 1900 jobs will disappear. T-Mobile has announced plans to close call centers in Allentown, Penn., Fort Lauderdale, Frisco and Brownsville, Texas; Lenexa, Kan., Thornton, Colo., and Redmond, Ore. Those were jobs which AT&T had pledged to keep but the Obamaites didn’t think were important. Unless, of course, you happen to live in Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas, Kansas, Colorado or Oregon.
Last week, I had my normal complement of news channels on the TVs in my office when I looked up and saw Barack Hussein Obama in what appeared to be a familiar setting. It was familiar to me because I had spent more than a bit of time in Cushing, Oklahoma during the 17 years I was in that great state.
I turned up the volume and heard this guy tell a handpicked crowd (it would have had to be in Cushing, Oklahoma) that under his administration we have drilled baby drilled.
And that he has ordered his administration to get rid of the red tape and get going on building that part of the pipeline which they have previously said no to from Cushing to the Gulf. The rest of the pipeline? Not so much.
This guy has such a tenuous grasp of reality that he just may fall victim to one of the weakest GOP candidates ever.
If the Republicans had actually gone out and recruited a real candidate or not tried to kill off Herman Cain regaining control of the White House would be a lead pipe cinch.
But the Republicans have always had a bad habit of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and they are trying their damndest continue the streak started by Bob Dole in 1996 and continued by John McCain in 2008.
What I’m ever so gently trying to point out is that the Rs can be just as bad as the Ds.
That said, even Mitt Romney couldn’t have as little a grasp of reality as Barack Hussein Obama.
A fact I hope the voters in Allentown, Penn., Fort Lauderdale, Frisco and Brownsville, Texas, Lenexa, Kan., Thornton, Colo., and Redmond, Ore. as well as the rest of America keep in mind next November 6.