(Mike Zahara) – Republican Tim Williams switched his race from Assembly District 18 where he lost badly last time and was prepared to try again this year up until about a month ago, when he switched his ‘residence’ to Assembly District 5, to run against real Republican Tibi Ellis in the primary.
The problem is that the address on his filings is actually his employer, Rossum Realty Unlimited’s, business address when Williams really lives on Boulder Falls in AD18.
His 2009 CCE’s also fails to account for where nearly $10,000 of $11,000 were raised and spent!
Picking up on an effort by one person in the Clark GOP to discredit Ms. Ellis’ position on illegal immigration – she’s against it! – Williams very recently and very cynically, changed his ‘official’ residence to AD05 and filed to run there instead of his true residence in AD18.
Ms. Ellis is a decade’s long legal immigrant to the United States from Venezuela and is a successful business person who has long participated in GOP efforts; her stalwart efforts on behalf of other GOP candidates are well known.
Ms. Ellis is the real Republican and the real resident of AD05 and has earned her spot to run, and her party’s affection.
Mr. Williams’ 2009 CCE’s and 2010 lawful residence should be challenged.
(Mr. Zahara writes the WatchdogWag.com blog)