Let’s Treat Drug Cartels Like ISIS and Central America Like the Middle East
You know what I’m tired of?
Clowns in the Beltway, New York and Los Angeles media and the rest of the swamp telling us how to live. As rudely as they can, at that. Ask the President’s Press Secretary who was told to leave a Virginia restaurant because of who she worked for. (In absolute violation of Federal law.)
And hypocrite Democrats who, as their idiot-boy Mayor of Chicago likes to say, never let a crisis—even one they made up—go to waste.
To hear the media tell it, illegal immigration is a crisis.
Not because we’re allowing it and putting an incredible strain on our resources by doing so.
But because most of America wants to get control of the illegal flood. You know, we “deplorables”.
It is so much of a crisis that the Democrat party is willing to gin up its Astroturf protesters and cry foul while Republicans play with themselves instead of forcing a solution to a broken system.
The Democrat swamp never met a solution it could live with. Largely because the issue is more important to them than any solution. Its hatred for President Trump is so beyond reality that the average American voter simply cannot fathom what these people are thinking. And that also goes for the so-called “moderate” Republicans who are also known as…neverTrumpers.
The Republicans never blow an opportunity to blow an opportunity. Could the Republicans force a deal? Of course. All they need to do is to change the rules of the Senate to kill the filibuster. But Mitch McConnell has the testicles of a fruit fly. As does Paul Ryan in the House. They are afraid of being called “politicians” at inside the Beltway cocktail parties.
The “crisis” isn’t illegal immigration. It’s what passes for leadership in Congress not having any common sense.
Is there a problem with Central America?
Those nations—Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua—foster the drug cartels which, in turn, run human trafficking and drug importation operations. And then, there are our “friends” in Mexico who allow their nation to be used as part of the interstate highway system.
The truth is that the problem is not simply at our Southern border but also inside Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua.
The people who get to our border—children included—may or may not be real asylum seekers. We only grant asylum in 20% of the cases. But, perhaps, if we turned our attention from the Middle East for a minute to Central America and started enforcing certain standards of behavior in the Americas, some of our border problems would ease.
In the words of President Trump, “you put your foot into the country and you get a trial? What kind of nonsense is that? And what about the thousands of people who come here the right way?”
It’s time to tell the cartels and these nations, “NO!” Let’s not have a war on drugs. Why waste a good war? Let’s kill off as many cartel leaders as we can, just like we kill off ISIS leaders.
If we do that, the same swamp will go nuts again because they detest both “nation building” AND the President. But the President is already used to the nutcases and maybe this is a better use of his time and power.
The President seems to fully understand something the swamp doesn’t—what got him elected. And he suggested in Las Vegas that maybe it’s time to stop rewarding bad behavior on the part of Central America with foreign aid.
Why is it that, somehow, we try and buy off banana republics as opposed to enforcing standards of the civilized world as they affect our interests.
Is overlooking drug cartels shipping poison into the United States and engaging in human trafficking supposed to make us not racist?
To hear the continuous whine coming from the minority people who hate our President you would think so. Thing is, they’re whining to each other.
This will be a case of the silent majority asserting itself. And the louder the minority whines, the bigger Trump’s margins will be.