Washoe County Commissioner Announces Bid for State Senate Seat

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(Sean Whaley/Nevada News Bureau) – Washoe County Commissioner Bob Larkin announced today he is a candidate for the Nevada State Senate in District 2, saying he wants to continue the high level of service for residents of the district provided by outgoing Sen. Maurice Washington, R-Sparks.

“Additionally, the budget challenges that the state now faces have been at the forefront of local government for many years now,” the Republican candidate said. “As chairman of the Washoe County Commission for an unprecedented 3 years, I oversaw the reduction of over $100 million in spending and the elimination of over 500 positions. I possess the academic background, work experience, and the pragmatism that it takes to get the right things done in Carson City.”

Washington is leaving office because of term limits.

Also running as a Republican for the Senate seat is Assemblyman Don Gustavson, R-Sparks. Larkin and Gustavson will face off in the June Republican primary.

Gary Schmidt, a 35-year Nevada resident who served a term on the Washoe County Board of Equalization, is an announced Democratic candidate for the Senate 2 seat.

Larkin said the legislative session of 2011 will have a full plate of issues, from redistricting to an examination of the statewide tax study now getting under way to an examination of ways to keep local and state government lean and efficient.

Larkin said the Spending and Government Efficiency Commission (SAGE) has provided many recommendations for increasing the cost-effectiveness of state government. As a lawmaker, Larkin said he would pursue legislation that would require implementation of the best ideas and recommendations from the panel of private citizens.

Larkin is a fifth generation Nevadan, born in Ely to Charles and Darlene Larkin. He and his wife Sylvia have three adult children and six grandchildren. He has resided in Sparks for the past 29 years.

Larkin said his philosophy is that government cannot and should not be all things to all people, but that it does have a responsibility to offer each and every citizen fair and equitable opportunities for a fulfilling life.

“I am ready and able to meet the duties of the legislative process in Carson City,” he said.