We’ve Heard the Sizzle, Now Where’s the Beef?

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(Dan Burdish) – Now that the “dog and pony shows” disguised as taxpayer-subsidized “town hall” meetings Democrat Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford orchestrated at the Grant Sawyer Building and the Washoe County Commission Chambers on Saturday morning are over, perhaps the Democrats can get down to actually governing.

Gov. Brian Sandoval has submitted a budget that is balanced and does not increase taxes or fees. Sen. Horsford, the leader of Team D, has been especially critical of the cuts the governor has proposed and has spent the past week grandstanding and parading his shills before mock committee meetings. Yet we’ve not seen one proposal from him or his fellow Democrats on how they would balance the budget differently.

In 1984 Clara Peller asked “Where’s the Beef?” in a Wendy’s commercial. Sen. Horsford, other than your beef with the governor’s proposal, where’s your beef?

You’ve highlighted the areas you don’t want cut. Either tell us what you would cut instead, or tell us how you’ll raise the money to keep your pet projects funded. Where’s the beef?

You’re against raising tuition at our state universities, colleges and community colleges. Please tell us how would you keep funding at current or increased levels without raising tuition. Where’s the beef?

You’re against a proposed 5 percent reduction in salaries for state workers. Tell us how you would keep funding at current or increased levels without this reduction. Where’s the beef?

You’re against the transfer of funds raised by local bond programs. Tell us how you would keep funding at current or increased levels without transferring those funds. Where’s the beef?

It appears you are against cutting any program run by the state. Tell us how you would keep funding at current or increased levels without cutting any state programs. Where’s the beef?

One of your supporters at Saturday’s rally carried a sign reading “No is not the answer.” I agree. But all we’ve heard from you is no, no, no, no, no, no, no. It’s time for you to stop with the “no’s” and tell us how you plan to balance the budget. It’s time to stop selling your sizzle and serve up some meat.

(Mr. Burdish is CEO of Citizen Outreach)