(Chuck Muth) – In a Channel 3 interview with television station mogul and former university system chancellor Jim Rogers, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Danny Tarkanian had this to say:
“When my dad was coaching basketball he used to say, ‘I want to do one or two things and do them great. And I love to play against a team that tries to do five or six things because you can’t do any of them very well.’ Government was created to do a select few things and we should do them great, such as with the state education system.”
That quote by a conservative candidate raises two troubling questions: Was Danny saying that government was created to provide a government-run education system, as opposed to empowering parents to make education decisions themselves? Or that Nevada’s current state education system is “great”?
Either way, that position cries for further explanation.
As does this….
In a fundraising email they’ve been sending around, the Tarkanian campaign has been raising questions about GOP opponent Sue Lowden’s position on abortion. But Danny’s position on that issue raises a rather serious question, as well.
On his campaign website, here’s what Danny says on his “Issues” page under “Life.”
“I believe life begins at conception and that we have a responsibility as human beings to protect that life if at all possible. That is why I oppose abortion, except where the mother’s life is threatened.”
That’s the ONLY exception?
If so, expect a question in the upcoming GOP primary race similar to that asked of Democrat presidential candidate Michael Dukakis back in 1988 about the death penalty: “Mr. Tarkanian, if your wife were raped and became pregnant, do you believe the government should be able to force her to have the child?”
I’d say a little follow-up is called for here, too.