(Mark Ciavola) – The College Republican Federation of Nevada (CRFNV) today is highlighting what they call “fiscal absurdity” on the part of Nevada’s State Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford and Assembly Speaker John Oceguera, in response to their budget proposal which increases current spending levels by $600 million at a time when revenues are down significantly and unemployment remains at 14%.
“Democrats in the state legislature have gone from fiscal irresponsibility to fiscal absurdity,” said Mark Ciavola, chairman of the College Republican Federation of Nevada. “Nevada families and businesses are still struggling, and we should not continue to spend outside our means at their expense.”
The Democratic budget proposal was announced yesterday, and seeks to raise revenues by removing the sunset provision on the 2009 tax increases, imposing a statewide sales tax on services, and a new business tax on gross revenues over $1 million. Meanwhile Republicans, including Governor Sandoval, have made it clear they will not support new taxes, and to this point have held firm.
“In order to fix Nevada’s budget crisis, our first priority should be to put people back to work,” continued Ciavola. “Burdening families and businesses with new taxes in an attempt to continue spending at irresponsible levels clearly shows that Nevada Democrats have put special interests over the people of Nevada.”