Former Governor List – Nobody is Surrendering

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(David Mansdoerfer) Tonight, former Governor List went on Jon Ralston’s Face to Face to discuss the potential move of the Nevada caucus from January 14 to February 4. Starting off, when asked about why Nevada is surrendering, List noted, “Nobody is surrendering. Nobody is caving. Nobody is doing it because of New Hampshire. We’re doing because it is the best thing for Nevada.”

Gov. List then went on to explain how the move would be good for Nevada. “Number one, we get all of our delegates. Number two, we’re still guaranteed that we’re going to be the first in the west. Number three, were going to get all of the candidates very enthusiastically coming in here. Frankly, more so now than before.”

Referencing Ross Gardner, the Secretary of State of New Hampshire, Gov. List noted, “I know a hissy fit when I see one… This guy acts like a spoiled brat trying to have things his way. Truth is, now, he had put all of those candidates in a terrible position. They want to come here and campaign. Nevada, frankly, is a lot more important than New Hampshire in the big picture.”

Citing the candidates request to help them out of this jam, List said Nevada was the, “unifier, bringing peace, and being the adult in room when the Secretary of State acting like a spoiled kid.”

When asked about why February 4 was chosen as the new date, List detailed, “there is 90 days between now until February. It’s the candidates campaigning all the way through this fall and through January and the early part of February. It also gives us a few extra days and a couple of extra weeks to organize the events.”

When asked about same day registration List detailed concern about manipulation and mischief by the Senator Harry Reid’s camp. “We saw what happened in the last U.S. Senate cycle here in Nevada which Harry Reid managed to pick his opponent…. I’m alleging that there were efforts made by the Reid camp to bring Sharon Angle in as his opponent.”

When asked what this had to do with same day registration, Gov. List stated that there was concern that people, whose intentions were to undermine the caucus, would show up and register Republican and participate.

When asked for proof of mischief from the Reid campaign, List said, “money was directed to her (Sharon Angle) campaign from the Reid people.” Can you prove that? “I think I can prove it.”

If anyone doubts Gov. List’s ability to make those accusations, remember that he is a lawyer who was once the attorney general of Nevada. Unlike his critics, Gov. List understands the burden of proof.

(Mr. Mansdoerfer is the Director of Legislative Affairs for Citizen Outreach. He holds a Master’s degree in public policy with an emphasis in international relations and state & local policy from the Pepperdine School of Public Policy. You can follow him on Twitter at @DPMANSDOERFER)