Let’s Take More Time and Money Away From Learning

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(Michael Chamberlain/Nevada Business Coalition) – For all the wailing about budget cuts and their supposed impacts on the classroom by members of the education establishment and their allies in the Legislature, you might think they would focus on finding ways to reduce unnecessary spending and increase the amount of time devoted to teaching.

If so, you would be wrong.

One example is AB137, which would require schools that have been designated as needing improvement for 3 years or more to implement a school breakfast program. These breakfasts would be served during school hours and the Clark County School District estimated the program would cost more than $4 million per year.

For those parents who prefer to feed their children themselves rather than rely on the school to do so, it’s not going to be easy. The legislation encourages the schools to increase the number of students who participate in the breakfast program.

Regardless of how poorly schools perform there’s always room for more time and money to spend on things other than teaching students.

(Michael Chamberlain is Executive Director of Nevada Business Coalition.)