(Chuck Muth) – The far-left goofballs over at PLAN (Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada) released a “racial equity” report card yesterday, ostensibly based on how some 18 bills in the last legislative session adversely affected “communities of color.”
Almost every conservative Republican got a failing grade. Big surprise there, huh?
But to show you just how truly absurd and stupid this “report card” on “racial equity” really is, Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, the first BLACK majority leader in Nevada’s history, only scored a C-minus!
In reality, this race-baiting report card is nothing more than a knock-off of a Jeff Foxworth comedy skit.
To give you even more of an idea of how ridiculous this report is, consider some of the bills PLAN included to determine whether or not an elected official was a racist (and make no mistake, that’s EXACTLY what PLAN is trying to imply with this report):
If you voted against the bill establishing domestic partners in Nevada, you might be a racist (I guess there are no white lesbians in the state).
If you voted against a bill requiring owners of off-road recreational vehicles to register them with the government and pay an hefty new “licensing” fee, you might be a racist.
If you voted against spending $70 million of taxpayer money we don’t have to reopen an underpass closed because of a highway widening project that only causes a 2-minute delay to get around by taking an alternate route, you might be a racist.
If you voted against the government being able to force private employers to give parents time off from work to attend their child’s school play or football game, you might be a racist.
If you voted to make English the official language of the state of Nevada, you might be a racist.
If you voted for a bill to spend money we don’t have on expanded government-run pre-kindergarten daycare programs, you might be a racist.
If you voted for a bill allowing the government to control the amount of late fees a private landlord can charge tenants who fail to pay their rent on time, you might be a racist.
And finally this one, which takes the cake for chutzpah, hypocrisy and oxymoronism:
If you voted against a bill making permanent the temporary position of Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for MINORITIES (but not white people), you might be a racist.
It was hard enough to take PLAN seriously before they issued this asinine report card. Now it’s impossible. Even for liberals.