Tyler Andrews Seeks Assembly District 10 Seat

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(NN&V staff) – Tyler Andrews, a local attorney and Las Vegas resident has filed as the Republican candidate for Nevada State Assembly, District 10. Andrews, a fiscal conservative, believes that Nevada can no longer afford the failed “tax and spend” mindset in Carson City.

“It is time to take a stand against the out-of-control spending and over-taxation by our state legislature. It harms all Nevadans by driving out small businesses and limiting job opportunities,” said Andrews.

Unlike his native California — which Andrews considers “a financial train wreck” — Andrews sees Nevada as a state with a love for liberty and nearly unlimited potential for jobs and economic growth. Given the state’s proud history, Andrews was dismayed to witness the current Nevada legislature usher in record deficits, higher taxes, and burdensome regulations — dimming Nevada’s outlook for prosperity.

“I’m running for Assembly because I refuse to watch Nevada follow the senseless economic policies of our neighboring states and of our federal government,” said Andrews. “As an Assemblyman, I will work to restore a brighter future for Nevada through the principles that made it prosperous and strong — limited government, individual liberty, and free markets.”

Unlike the government-run health care bill recently shoved through Congress or the growing regulatory state pushed from Carson City, Andrews believes that society benefits most when individuals are free to pursue their own choices regarding health, finances, faith and family.

“As Thomas Jefferson once noted, ‘the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield as government gains ground.' I believe that Jefferson was correct, and his message applies today more than ever.” said Andrews. “While entrenched politicians of both parties meddle in social issues or increased regulations, I will focus on liberty, prosperity, and jobs, as the next Nevada Assemblyman for District 10. It’s time to get back to our core principles.”

Andrews is an award-winning author on Constitutional issues and a litigator for an international law firm. He is a Member of the Business Educational Alliance for the Children of Nevada (“BEACON”), which seeks to improve education through cost- effective policy reforms that empower parents and educators. Andrews also serves as Treasurer and Board Member of his Home Owners Association. Prior to moving to Las Vegas, Andrews was a Chapter President of the Federalist Society and a Constitutional Studies intern at the Cato Institute.

Andrews received his Juris Doctorate (J.D.) from the University of San Diego School of Law, graduating cum laude and Order of the Coif. He received Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degrees in Mass Communications and Media Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara.

For more information about Tyler Andrews and his campaign for Nevada Assembly, visit www.AndrewsForAssembly.com.