ACORN’s Newest Senate Pal

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(Warner Todd Huston) – The Weekly Standard focused on ACORN’s latest knight in shining armor in the Senate. Though, instead of holding a sword or a lance, this Senator is holding a bucket of the taxpayer’s money to give to ACORN.

Roland Burris, the Junior Senator from Illinois whose seat was bestowed upon him under a cloud of corruption by disgraced Governor Rod Balgojevich, had been saying that he wouldn’t vote for the Senate’s version of Obamacare. But when the time came he happily voted in favor of the bill saying that some of his concerns were met.

The Weekly Standard notes that one of Burris’ “concerns” was in a provision of the manager’s amendment to the bill that includes funding for, “making sure that diabetes and the other diseases that are affecting minorities are really studied by HHS…”

But these provisions, the WS notes, could lead to funding for ACORN.

According to a Senate legislative aide, the scandal-plagued Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now could qualify for grants under this provision. ACORN would also qualify for funding on page 150 of the underlying Reid bill, which says that “community and consumer-focused nonprofit groups” may receive grants to “conduct public education activities to raise awareness of the availability of qualified health plans.”

So, as always, criminal leftists never leave the feeding trough in Washington. They might find the spotlight a bit uncomfortable when Americans find out about their activities. But they simply hunker down and wait for their accomplices in Congress to re-open the funding spigot once the heat is off.

And these profligate spenders in Congress are only too happy to comply.

(Mr. Huston writes The Union Label Blog)