GOP Meeting: Ralston and Impeachment and Wire Taps….Oh, My!

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(NN&V Staff) – Rumors of an attempted impeachment of officers at the Clark County Republican Party Central Committee meeting Tuesday evening at The Orleans proved to be unfounded. The meeting was orderly, beginning with a prayer, the pledge of allegiance, a Call to Order, and welcoming comments by party chairman Richard Scotti.

Guest speaker John Ralston then offered an overview of the upcoming campaign season including assessments of the likely results of both the primary and general elections in each of the major races. Citing “Reid fatigue,” Obama's falling approval numbers in Nevada, and the recent tendency of Independent voters across the country to lean conservative, Ralston acknowledged that the political terrain looks rocky for the Democrats. He then cautioned the GOP against overconfidence.

“Everyone knows all the winds are blowing the Republicans' way right now, but a year in politics is an eternity,” he said.

While analyzing the governor's race, Ralston pulled laughter and applause when referring to Rory Reid's “baggage” – his last name, and his current job title of County Commissioner.

“For some reason, people seem to think that County Commissioners in this town might be corrupt,” Ralston joked.

Later in his remarks, Ralston noted the large field of GOP candidates vying for the chance to run against Harry Reid.

“Is there anyone in this room who is not running against Reid?” he asked. “There's still time to file.”

Following Ralston's remarks were brief candidate speeches by Rob Lauer and Dr. Joe Heck (for CD-3), Ken Wegner, Craig Lake, and Joseph Tatner (for CD-1), and U.S. senate candidates Sharron Angle, Bran Nadel and Mike Wiley . Appearing for senate candidates who could not be present were, Amy Tarkanian for Danny Tarkanian, Robert Uiethoven for Sue Lowden, Linda Parson for Bill Parson, and a representative for Dr. Robin Titus.

Chairman Richard Scotti kicked off the officer reports with verification that there were 138 total Clark County party votes cast for state chairman at the National Republican Congressional Committee meeting in Hawthorne on November 14. He said this represented 91% attendance, and welcomed Chris Comfort as state chair.

Vice Chairman Bob Ruckman announced that a budget audit for 2008 will be done and that former audit participants have been contacted for documents. Eddie Facey was then elected to represent CCRCC during the audit. Ruckman noted that the high attendance rate at the Hawthorne meeting showed solidarity in the party.

Ruckman then gave a brief report on recent charges filed with Las Vegas Metro Police regarding alleged larceny and wiretapping at Clark County Republican Party headquarters. The party cannot comment on the case now that it is an open investigation, Ruckman said.

Political Director David Isbell announced that voter registration packets are now available at CCRP headquarters, and noted that the CCRCC has 698 members in total

Coalitions Director Frank Ricotta acknowledged the existence of fifteen active grassroots coalitions with four more forming. Ricotta announced a food drive being run by the NV Federation of Young Republicans through Thanksgiving and asked poeple to bring food to CCRP headquarters. He also announced both the November 21st TEA Party/Health Care professionals rally outside Caesar's Palace from noon to 2 pm and the December 5th “Pachyderm Poker Tournament” at the Santa Fe.

Precinct Administrator Duane Libbe announced that there will be Precinct Captain training on Saturday November 21 at 3 p.m. at the W. Sahara Library.

Parliamentarian Scott Austin announced that the CCRPCC is planning a Christmas party and that details will be forthcoming.

Jeffery Buntock reported that the NRCC meeting adopted resolutions supporting HR 1207 and S604 (the FED audit).