(Chuck Muth) – A night in Lincoln Bedroom isn’t included, but the stench of selling access is every bit as strong in Democrat Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford’s “Victory Leaders” shakedown program.
According to a “Fact Sheet and Benefits” flyer that has been sent to a number of lobbyists in Nevada, you, too, can get some serious face time with the Senate Majority Leader – IF you have the dough.
• Cough up $25,000 to join Horsford’s “Victory Leadership Circle” and you and ten of your friends “will receive a private dinner with the Senate Majority Leader and Chairs of all the standing committees.”
• Peel out $10,000 to join Horsford’s “Chairman’s Leadership Circle” and you and seven of your friends “will receive a private dinner with the Senate Majority Leader and a Chair of a standing committee of their choice.”
• Dish out $5,000 to join Horsford’s “Caucus Leadership Circle” and you “will be entitled to a private reception with the Senate Majority Leader and Nevada Senate Democrats.” (Since you’re such a cheapskate, you’ll probably get stuck with Shirley Breeden and Alice Copening!)
• Now, if you’re so poor that all you can scrape up from the sofa cushions is a grand, you can still join Horsford’s “Friends of Nevada Senate Democrats” club and “will be entitled to a luncheon with the Senate Majority Leader” at the Denny’s of your choice.
Just kidding. The flyer doesn’t mention Denny’s at all. You can pick an iHop if you prefer.
But this is no joke.
Horsford explains that the purpose of this shakedown of the Carson City lobbyists is “to shape the future of Nevada by providing the Nevada Senate Democrats the capability to compete and succeed in every election.” And in order to fill his coffers, Horsford is blatantly selling access to himself and his minions.
Now, it’s not like I’m so naïve that I don’t know that politicians selling access to deep-pocketed lobbyists is standard operating procedure, or pollyanish enough to think this “pay-to-play” system is going to be changed anytime soon. But to rub everybody’s nose in it by putting this corrupt system down in writing?
That’s a lot of chutzpah.