Political reality – Politics as usual

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(Nancy Dallas) – The Democrats speak often of the need to ‘reach across the aisle’…but when the opportunity is offered – that is apparently the last thing they are willing to do.

In Nevada’s world of political reality, the decision made by Nevada’s DEMOCRAT Secretary of State Ross Miller in regards to the vacant Congressional seat is a perfect example.

To those yet uninformed, Miller declared the election to fill the Congressional seat vacated by Dean Heller’s appointment to the U.S. Senate seat (vacated by John Ensign’s resignation) to be open to one and all – with no party primaries. The candidate with the most votes will serve as the interim Nevada CD-2 Congressman.

Of course, we all know why this was declared “an open race.” Playing within the rules of law and rules of common sense (with a Primary preceding the Special Election) would make it extremely difficult for the Democrats to win this traditionally Republican seat. So, in the Democrat mindset, with no primary, Kate Marshall can come out on top in this Special Election, giving her a step up in the General Election in November 2012.

With at least four interested Republican candidates (all with some degree of Republican support) ready to run, if Marshall (the anointed Democrat candidate) has no strong opposition from within her own party to divide that element of the vote, and I can’t believe the Dem’s would allow it – we could have a Democrat completing the term of office in a seat that the voters in 2010 elected a Republican to.

I fully understand – Ross Miller is simply paying homage to the powers of the Democrat party…..a puppet of Harry Reid’s union energized political machine. In consideration of his future political ambitions, I suppose Miller believes this is the only route he can take.

Depending upon the results of the GOP lawsuit, the campaign season leading up to the September 13 Special Election and the election itself will be one of the most bizarre (and roughest) elections in the history of Nevada – congratulations Ross Miller AND John Ensign.

• Ross Miller – because of, in spite of all logic, his absolute allegiance to the party shenanigans of Harry Reid;
• John Ensign – because of his absolute arrogance in not resigning in a timely and graceful manner.

The resultant situation is just the fodder Harry Reid and his doting minions feast on!

Brian Krolicki – A class act

I, along with many, many others, consider Brian Krolicki to be one of the finest, most ethical and classy figures in Nevada politics. His decision to not enter the race for the CD-2 seat is a perfect example as to why he is held in such high esteem.

Considering his future political aspirations and the number of people urging him forward to his meeting those ambitions, this decision had to be one of the most difficult of his political life; however, placing his family and current political responsibilities first to all else is just what we have come to expect of this very special and ethical man.

As Brian stated, “politics is about timing and that opportunities are usually few and far between”. Brian will continue to serve this state honorably and with distinction in whatever capacity he chooses to do so – until that opportunity does arrive.

His time will come. I look forward to that day.

(Mrs. Dallas blogs at News Desk by Nancy Dallas)