The Importance of Education – The Highest

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(Jim Blockey) – There is nothing more important than taking education back to where it was. There are many times in life that we need to take a step backwards in order to be able to move forward. As far as education is concerned this has never been more true than now.

As I laid out in my book, “Teachers… It Ain’t Your Fault,” socialists like John Dewey and G. Stanley Hall had a great deal of input in how our education system works today.

Hall said, “Primary reading should no longer be a fetish. This should always be secondary.” Dewey said, “The true center of correlation on the school subjects is NOT science, nor literature, nor history, nor geography, but the child’s SOCIAL activity… Independent, self-reliant people were a counter-productive anachronism in the collective society of the future.”

Yes, intelligent, well-rounded people are bad for America. The truth is those kinds of people are only bad for a socialistic society, they are great for a capitalistic, free republic. Now this was way back in the late 1800′s, it took that long for education and America to get to where it is today.

This November I have no doubt that we will take back the House and maybe even the Senate and in 2012 we will have a new president, but, if we do not fix education… in 10 years we will be right back here and elect another liberal president that will make Obama look like a right winged radical.

We need to get back to the basics of reading, riting, rithmatic, respect, recess (exercise) and real history, get history books from 100 years ago that spoke the truth.

Get rid of sex education, environmentalism, drug prevention, suicide prevention and all of those controversial social issues.

Those should be left for home and if the children have a bad home life, that is terrible, but it is not the government’s responsibility to raise our children.

Maybe if the government stopped acting like the parents, parents would start taking the responsibility of being the parent.

How about that, forcing people to take personal responsibility by not taking it away from them.

(Jim Blockey is an educator and authored “Teachers… It Ain’t Your Fault.” He also has a blog “The Real Education Expert” at