(Warner Todd Huston/The Union Label) – At a rally in New Jersey, we see more teachers that don’t deserve to be allowed near children for their ignorance of history, their wild-eyed hatred, and their outright stupidity.
In this video we see “teachers” who don’t feel bad about parading around in the streets while their children are left without teachers. Worse, we see this historically ignorant, fact starved fools that think that Governor Chris Christie will start murdering them in the streets like Libyan strongman Muammar Gadhafi has been doing in Libya.
People like this should be immediately fired. There is NO comparison between the current anti-union sentiment being evinced by the majority of Americans today and the murderous oppression being perpetrated by Islamicists in the Middle East and northern Africa.
A so-called teacher that equates Gov. Christ Christie to a Gadhafi-like monster is too stupid to be allowed to teach our children.