My longtime friend Rich Galen makes a great point on his Mullings blog regarding the cost of The Wall…
“Remember, Trump wants $5.6 billion for a couple of hundred miles of some kind of physical barrier along the border with Mexico. We are $22 TRILLION in debt. The Wall represents 0.025 percent of the national debt.”
Rich continues…
“Say you made $100,000 last year. If I said I needed you to donate 0.025 percent of your salary to a worthy cause…you might think that 0.025 percent represents a pretty hefty number. It’s twenty-five dollars. About two glasses of wine at your favorite watering hole.”
Build. The. Wall.
Yet Republicans, when in the majority in Congress for the last two years, failed to do so…forcing the President to do it by way of executive order today; a decision already criticized by some of the same GOP members who didn’t get the job done when they had the chance.
Republicans are their own worst enemy.
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The president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, continues her effort to pass PAID family leave. But where does the government derive the power to force private businesses or taxpayers to pay people not to work?
This is not a conservative proposal by any means. This is something you’d expect to find in socialist AOC’s “Green New Deal.” Thanks, but no thanks. Yet a number of Republicans support it.
Republicans are their own worst enemy.
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There was never any doubt that Democrats would pass a revised version of the background check ballot initiative correcting the flaw in it that prevented implementation. But would have been nice if supporters would at least be intellectually honest about it.
The fact is, the bill being passed (SB143) is NOT the same as the one BARELY approved by voters. In addition, the odds are had the revised version been the one voters voted on it likely would have LOST. Any claims to the contrary are simply false.
What gun rights supporters should do is gather enough signatures to place the revised bill on the next general election ballot as a REFERENDUM and let the people of Nevada weigh in on the new provisions.
Have yet to hear a single Republican legislator call for such an effort. Republicans are their own worst enemy.
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Some guy named Omar De La Rosa was hired to work on campaigns for the Assembly Republican Caucus last year – and proceeded to LOSE two incumbent GOP seats and failed to pick up the one seat with a Democrat incumbent and a Republican voter majority. Epic fail. Total incompetent.
But as is far too common in GOP politics, many of these guys fail upwards. Indeed, De La Rosa is now working for the caucus for the 2019 session. And he somehow found a way to hand the opposition the GOP’s talking points briefing on the background check bill to opponents on a silver platter.
“Thanks to the right for these!” tweeted Battle Born Progress, a far-left gun-control organization, including photocopies of Omar’s briefing on February 11. “Someone should tell the right about how to properly work email and the internet.”
Lovely. Republicans are their own worst enemy.
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If you have the stomach for it and want to read even more examples of Nevada Republicans continuing their patented habit of shooting themselves in the foot and never blowing an opportunity to blow an opportunity, CLICK HERE