(AFP) – Americans for Prosperity will bring its November Is Coming Bus Tour to Las Vegas tomorrow to urge citizens to hold Senator Harry Reid and Congresswoman Dina Titus accountable if they continue to support big government policies that are bankrupting America.
Scheduled speakers include Citizen Outreach President Chuck Muth (master of ceremonies), local radio personalities Heather Kydd and Casey Hendrickson from Fox News 1280 AM, AFP-Nevada Grassroots coordinator Ed Ayers, Craig Lake and Patrick McNaught.
“Senator Reid and Congresswoman Titus have helped usher in a new era of bigger government, a permanently broken federal budget and government control over our decisions,” said Adam Stryker, State Director of Americans for Prosperity-Nevada . “Folks need to send a clear message to Reid and Titus that struggling taxpayers can’t afford any more bad decisions from Washington.”
Concerned Nevada citizens will be asked to sign a petition to Senator Reid and Congresswoman Titus, urging them to oppose big government programs or any other freedom-killing policies.
More than 371,000 Americans have signed AFP’s November Is Coming petition at www.NovemberIsComing.com telling their policymakers, elected officials, and candidates that if they support big government policies, petition-signers will remember in November.
Dear Policymakers, Elected Officials, and Candidates: You know that November is coming and voters care about the issues. Left-wing policies continue to drive Obama’s agenda for even bigger government. We want you to oppose big government programs or any other freedom-killing policies or we will remember in November.
Activists will be encouraged to go door-to-door and do at-home phone banking as part of a citizen education effort to let people know where Senator Reid and Congresswoman Titus stand on the issues and to encourage them to contact Reid and Titus to tell them to stop the out-of-control spending and big government policies.
“The public needs to know about Senator Reid’s and Congresswoman Titus’ past support for shameful failed big government stimulus plans, and votes for cap-and-trade energy tax, a piece of legislation designed to regulate our lives and limit our freedoms. The citizens of Nevada can make a difference by letting Reid and Titus know they have had enough of these reckless policies,” said Stryker.
The event is free and open to the public.
What: November Is Coming bus tour stop – Las Vegas
Who: Americans for Prosperity
What: Saturday, August 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Where: Sunset Park Las Vegas (at Sunset and Russell on the southwest corner of the park)
Las Vegas, NV