(Chuck Muth) – Apparently there’s been a lot of back-biting and rumor-mongering among some members of the Clark County Republican Party about GOP Assembly District 5 candidate Tibi Ellis. And apparently Ellis’ request of Chairman Bob Ruckman to address the Central Committee’s executive board this week to respond to the attacks was denied.
Which led to this email from Ellis on Tuesday:
Chairman Rucker and members of the Clark County Executive Committee:
I am disappointed in not having heard back regarding the request made in my email from last week (below). I am also disappointed in the conversation I had yesterday with the Chairman when he stated I would not be permitted to speak briefly tonight to clear my name and address the number of rumors and lies being said about me by members of this organization and the apparent complicity of this organization in the spreading of these hurtful attacks.
Because this organization refuses to permit me to speak and clear my name I am submitting the attached document to you instead. If this organization is more interested in a particular agenda instead of the truth, that is your decision to make–no matter how misguided that decision may be.
Having been a member of this organization for a number of years and having contributed financially and through countless hours of service I am truly saddened to be treated this way by fellow Republicans. I may have expected it from members of the other Party, but not from fellow conservatives.
Please review the attached brief document. I hope this addresses whatever concerns you and your members apparently have about me, my heritage and my candidacy. It addresses the statements that have been made about me at CCRP meetings and by some of its members. If it doesn’t answer the questions I hope you will take the time to contact me to set the record straight instead of promoting salacious and false gossip.
The document Ellis refers to calls those she believes are attacking her as “slime balls” and declares that she is “not getting out of this race.” Here’s the full text:
Setting the Record Straight:
Tibi Ellis and Illegal Immigration
As current and former members of the Clark County Republican Party Platform Committee and the Nevada Republican Party Platform Committee, we worked with fellow committee member Tibi Ellis on drafting the platforms for each of these 2008 party conventions.Tibi was an active participant in our meetings and in promoting a strong conservative agenda for Republicans to support. We saw firsthand her dedication to the rule of law, and her unwavering commitment to the principles and ideals of conservative Americans.
Despite the slander and outright lies stated about Tibi, she does not espouse the liberal positions that have been attributed to her. These attacks and mistruths have been shameful and their proponents deserve to be called the liars that they are.
We worked with Tibi in our committees for hours and saw her passion for issues, leadership, and conservative principles firsthand. We saw her fight for what she believed in on a wide array of issues and not back down in the face of pressure.
Someone may not like Tibi personally, or may disagree with her goals, or they may not like her Venezuelan accent but to slander her with mistruths is shameful and those who are doing so should be embarrassed for themselves and the conservative views they claim to espouse.
Behavior and statements like those made about Tibi have no place in politics, the Republican Party, or our candidates and members.
We passed our party platforms unanimously, with all 9 Clark Country Platform Committee members and all 34 Nevada State Platform Committee members agreeing with the planks. Anyone who says Tibi is a supporter of amnesty does not know the simple truth:
Tibi does not believe in, nor support amnesty for illegal immigrants.
She was a member of the Republican committees which drafted the following planks in the Republican Party 2008 Platforms:
(Clark County Republican Party)
13. We welcome legal immigrants from all nations, cultures and races. We demand strict enforcement of all immigration laws by all levels of government. We support enforcement of immigration laws by state, local and federal law-enforcement agencies. We demand that the federal government secure our national borders. We oppose granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. (Emphasis added) We support the rule of law and the United States Constitution as it pertains to the Fourteenth Amendment and its explanation of citizenship. http://www.clarkgop.org/pdfs/2008platform.pdf(Nevada Republican Party)
15) We welcome legal immigrants from all nations, cultures and races. We demand strict enforcement of all immigration laws by all levels of government. We demand that the federal government secure our borders. We do not support amnesty, government benefits or other special treatment for aliens who have or will enter the United States illegally. (Emphasis added). We support English as the official language of the United States and the printing of government materials in English only.
Terry Clodt, Chair Clark County Republican Party Platform Committee 2008
Richard Scotti, member CCRP Platform Committee 2008
Jerry McElroy, member CCRP Platform Committee 2008
Bruce Thompson, member CCRP Platform Committee 2008
Kathleen Miller, member CCRP Platform Committee 2008Additionally, Michael Moriarty, who also served on the 2008 CCRP Platform Committee wrote “I further recall the planks regarding immigration and amnesty as described were unanimously approved by the committee.”
Addressing the Other Whispers Being Said
While it is sad and ridiculous that this even needs to be addressed, but below are some of the other accusations and statements that have been made recently about Tibi Ellis with a brief rebuttal so the record can be set straight unequivocally on all accounts.
Tibi Ellis is not an illegal immigrant.
She is a US citizen and has been for over 20 years.Tibi Ellis didn’t “snuck across the Rio Grande”.
She came to the US legally over 35 years ago from Venezuela. (note it’s a little bit farther South…it would have been a long long walk).Tibi Ellis does not believe in special treatment for minorities.
She believes in equal treatment for everyone.Tibi Ellis was not on welfare before coming to Nevada (as some claim) and she has always paid into Social Security. She has two Masters Degrees and has always paid and made her own way. She has been the owner/operator of numerous business ventures and pays plenty in taxes, both personally and from her businesses.
Tibi Ellis is not trying to impose a “Liberal Latina” agenda.
(whatever that is)
She is fighting for commonsense conservative principles.“If members of the Clark County Republican Party and its affiliate groups are afraid of a 5’4” grandma with an accent then keep the whisper campaign and anonymous phone calls going, but aside from exposing the participating individuals for the apparent slime balls they are, no good will come from these hurtful acts.
I have known my district and neighbors for ten years and I am running for office because I share their concerns. I entered this campaign because I was worried for the future of the city and state I call home. Since I’ve been in this campaign, though, I’ve become worried for the future of the Republican Party and their tone about conservatives and minorities Republicans.
I may rub some people the wrong way and that is a fact of life, but what it is unacceptable is for people to attack me just because of the color of my skin, or my accent…so leave my heritage out of it. After all, I flew here many years ago and today fly with an American Passport.
Just because I am a naturalized American citizen does not make me any less committed to serve or any less patriotic than any person born in this land. I love this country more than many and am not only a very conservative Republican but a very patriotic American. I believe first and for most in the Constitution of our nation, the Bill of Rights and the rule of law. Any accusations to the contrary are false and vicious.
I’m not getting out of this race and I can’t change my heritage, so bring on the
attacks, file whatever proxy candidate you want, and give it your best shot to take
me out June 8th. After all, how hard can it be to take out a conservative 5’4” grandma with a funny accent, right? If you think the community and Nevadans tolerate your type of tactics…I’ve got news for you, you’ll have to work harder than you have been.” –Tibi Ellis
Can this group get any more dysfunctional, or what?