Are you tired of this lockdown? So is our Mayor.

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(Heidi Harris) – Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman makes headlines on cable, then she talks to ME! I actually allowed her to talk. If you missed my podcast interview with her, here it is. (You can find all of them at

This Coronavirus lockdown has gotten out of control, and Mayor Carolyn Goodman wants people to be able to make a living. What is wrong with what she said? She never advocated throwing open the doors and not caring if people die.

Anderson Cooper, and his smug NYC media pals, who are not losing a dime in this mess, can tell the rest of the world to stay home, but we have had enough. I’m tired of politicians and media hacks who have NO skin in the game telling us what’s best for us. People like County Commissioner Marilyn Kirkpatrick, telling us to “be patient”. Is SHE losing a paycheck? Hell no.

You don’t see small business owners telling us to “Stay Home for Nevada”.

Our dictatorial Governor, Herr Sisolak, has NO plan to reopen. NO legitimate guidelines for the state whatsoever. If anything, he keeps moving the goal posts. Now Mr. Planned Parenthood suddenly wants to save every life.

Here’s MY plan to get us open again:

Large casinos: Can open when they establish protocols to keep things clean and keep people apart. (Good luck with that) Wynn has already come out with a 23-page plan, but the atmosphere will more closely resemble a hospital ward than a place to have a good time.

Obviously throwing the doors open won’t fill the hotels, because conventions aren’t coming back, at least not this year, and pools aren’t much fun when everyone has to stay 6 feet apart. If hotels aren’t filled, people won’t be going back to work right away. Maybe not ever. So don’t count on returning if you're furloughed.

Jewelry stores: Jewelry stores can take appointments and let one person in at a time. Here’s some news, Herr Sisolak – they already know how to clean counters! Small businesses of all kinds that by design serve small numbers of people could open under strict guidelines.

Spas: Legitimate spas are already clean, and only do treatments on one person at a time. If I can shop at WalMart, I can surely get a laser treatment from someone who adheres to health guidelines already! Tattoo parlors already have their staff wearing gloves and masks. They too could see clients by appointment only. Same with hair salons.

Thrift Stores: If I can buy clothes at WalMart, why can’t I shop in thrift stores? Some people need to get their clothes there, and there are no more germs there than a hardware store or nursery (still allowed to operate).

Restaurants and bars: Many will go under, because they simply cannot make a profit with fewer tables, and people are starting to learn to cook for themselves. Bars that are only allowed 15 machines will have it tough. Often those machines are full, and they base their staffing decisions on that fact. Turning off every other one will kill them. Besides, every other machine at a bar is still less than 6 feet of separation. They could locate machines around the restaurant, separated, but one of the main reasons people go to those places is to socialize. But they can try it…

Obviously those are only some of the categories of businesses affected by this government overreach. Yes, we all care about public health, but where do we strike the balance? Everyone goes broke to save a few lives?

And we haven't even seen the “second wave” of layoffs, which will include those in commercial real estate, and other related businesses, which will suffer irreparable harm from store closures. Even hospitals may close permanently due to this! I know too many people who stand to lose everything, just because some people are scared.

Bottom line: Stop treating us like children! Let the customers decide IF and WHERE they feel safe, and let the “pearl clutchers” and the truly vulnerable stay home! #OpenNevada!