(T.A. DeFeo) – The Democratic National Committee has approved a calendar that makes South Carolina the party’s first primary for the 2024 election.
The move follows an endorsement from President Joe Biden, whose win in the state’s 2020 Democratic primary was integral to his securing the Democratic nomination.
Under the revised calendar passed on Saturday, the Palmetto State will kick off the Democrats’ primary season on Feb. 3, 2024, followed by New Hampshire and Nevada on Feb. 6, 2024. The Democrats slotted neighboring Georgia’s primary for Feb. 13, 2024.
“We start with South Carolina, that has chosen the Democratic nominee every time since 1992, with the exception of 2004 with John Edwards, John Kerry got second here in South Carolina,” DNC Chairman Jaime Harrison said. “…I’m really, really excited about this calendar because I think it does reflect the best of the Democratic Party and the best of America.”
In a statement after the DNC’s vote, New Hampshire Democrats vowed to fight the new calendar.
“Despite [the] vote, the fight is not over. As we have repeatedly pointed out, New Hampshire law requires us to hold the first-in-the-nation primary, and state Republican leaders have made clear that will not change,” New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley said in a statement.
“Our focus is reelecting President Biden, winning the open race for governor, keeping our two battleground congressional seats, and regaining our legislative majorities – priorities that will be made infinitely harder by the DNC’s likely sanctions,” Buckley added. “We sincerely hope that the DNC will join us in understanding this reality, and work with us to elect – not punish – Democrats in our state.”
The South Carolina Democratic Party did not respond to a request for comment. The Iowa Caucus traditionally kicks off the primary season.
T.A. DeFeo | The Center Square