(Teablogger) – Harry Reid has begun his statewide bus tour of Nevada, something he has not done in quite some time, primarily because he did not have to. This year the political climate is decidedly different with Reid trailing far behind in the polls. Reid started the tour with trying to be funny – something that he is not very good at, by taking jabs at Sarah Palin, a move that will surely drive him further down in the polls.
Reid began his tour in Searchlight with a few hundred people present at most, while Palin drew a crowd in excess of 10,000 in the same town a little over a week ago. Many people, including Palin have a gift to be funny while making a serious point. But Reid usually lands with a “duh sounding thud” while trying to do the same, though his point was not very serious.
Either the Democratic hierarchy is in a serious state of denial or they are so desperate to win that they are using “obviously” deceptive measures to win over the people. The suspicion is that it is a mixture of both.
Reid went “On the Record” with Greta Monday. When asked about the polls that show him trailing, Reid said the polls were of no concern and showed him to be in fine shape. He also said, “those who opposed the healthcare bill before the vote were a loud minority”, while concluding that now the vote is over people are happy about the outcome as evidenced by conversations he has had on airplanes.
First of all, it is doubtful Reid is sitting back in coach on a commercial airliner with the general populace. But if so, that is the one place where an atheist and an apologetics scholar can have a healthy and productive dialogue, giving no credence to Reid’s point.
Second, sitting next to someone on a plane (even on several occasions) does not represent the general populace. In short, Reid gave a very shallow interview that lacked anything of substance.
Finally, Reid attempted to claim that the deal made with Ben Nelson was good for America and that he only made the deal with Nelson because he knew that in the end every state would get the same special deal. What is special about a deal that everyone gets? But that is more typical Reid-speak.
The fact that Reid might actually think that voters find him believable is beyond belief.