Harry’s on Drugs

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(Mark Noonan) – Remember back during the ObamaCare debate how Harry Reid and the rest of the Democrats went on and on about how they were going to protect the little guy from the drug companies? How we needed Reid's ObamaCare bill to protect us from greedy, mean, cruel and despicable drug companies who were only in to to make a buck? Reid was often on his high horse about the drug companies – and about their alleged allies, those mean, old Republicans.

In fact, Senator Reid went so far as to assert that the Republican Party was owned by the pharmaceutical industry. But Reid was gonna get in there and fight for us. Take no prisoners! Given 'em hell, Harry! ObamaCare was the result. We're now safe from big, bad drug companies, right? Which means that those drug companies, are desperate to save themselves from the wrath of Harry Reid and are, naturally, backing Republicans to the hilt, right?

Well, not quite.

Turns out that rather than spending their campaign cash on the Republicans Reid says they own, pharmaceutical companies are actually lavishing the cash on … Harry Reid!

Why would they do that? Well, now that we're finding out what is in ObamaCare, we discover that the pharmaceutical industry was lavished with breaks and perks which ensure huge profits for them, and high cost medicine for you and me. Harry Reid did this to us, on purpose. And now we know why.

You might have seen some of the ads. One of them asks the people of Nevada to phone Harry and thank him for all the great stuff he's done for our economy (14% unemployment is great, I guess). If you blink, you'll miss the fact that it wasn't paid for by anyone in Nevada – that it was paid for by a drug lobby which wants to keep it's purchased Senator in office.

Outside of direct intervention like that, there is money given to Harry Reid. According to Open Secrets, which tracks campaign contributions, Harry Reid has been the beneficiary of nearly $200,000.00 in pharmaceutical industry donations since 2009.

This is the very thing we are fighting against in 2010. Harry Reid is the leader of the Establishment and he does the bidding of the money men. He is their willing tool. What the people of Nevada need is irrelevant. Reid doesn't care – he only cares about his own power and wealth. He found that his best move in health care was to sell the people out to the pharmaceutical industry in return for industry donations with which to hoodwink Nevadans in to re-electing him.

Sharron Angle has her work cut out for her. She's going to be smeared and mocked and the politics of personal destruction will be out in force. The drug lobby is determined to defend their man – the politician they have bought, Harry Reid. Our job, as citizens, is to remember this – to remember that a vote for Harry Reid isn't a vote for a Nevada Senator, but for a drug company lap dog.

Our choice, Nevadans: we can put one of our own in to the Senate, or keep someone owned by powerful special interests. What'll it be?