(David Mansdoerfer) – Rhetoric – the art or study of using language effectively and persuasively. Below, I will translate typical liberal Democrat rhetoric for the common everyday U.S. citizen.
Revenue: Taxes
Used in a sentence: Democrats plan to increase revenue (taxes).
Immigration Reform: Amnesty for all
Used in a sentence: Democrats plan to protect America’s borders by enacting legislation that promotes immigration reform (amnesty for all).
Equal Opportunity: Equal Outcome
Used in a sentence: Democrats want to ensure every kid has equal opportunity (equal outcome) by forcing them to attend a government sponsored school.
Education Reform: Status Quo
Used in a sentence: Democrats support education reform (the status quo) by allowing teacher unions to bankrupt our school system and protect bad teachers.
Energy Independence: Gas prices
Green energy: Unemployment
Used in a sentence: Democrats plan to increase America’s energy independence (gas prices) by investing in green energy (unemployment).
Diplomacy: Fairy dust
Used in a sentence: Democrats plan to use diplomacy (fairy dust) to convince Iran to stop developing nuclear weapons.
Oversight: Regulation
Used in a sentence: Democrats want to increase federal oversight (regulation).
Job creation: Government spending
Used in a sentence: Government wants to focus on increasing job creation (government spending).
Health Care Reform: Voodoo
Used in a sentence: Democrats legislated health care reform (voodoo) that was supposed to magically bring health care costs down.
Card Check: Mandated union membership
Used in a sentence: Democrats want to enact card check (mandated union membership) so that taxpayer money can be used to help get them elected.
Stimulate: Control
Used in a sentence: Democrats want to stimulate (control) the economy.
As made clear above, liberal rhetoric is generally code words that cover up their true intentions – to increase the size of government, taxes and take away personal liberty. Next time you hear any of this poorly conceived rhetoric, do your liberal friends a favor and give them the actual definition.
(Mr. Mansdoerfer is the Director of Federal Affairs for Citizen Outreach)