If You Missed Last Night’s “Love & Politics” Event…

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(Chuck Muth) – Wow, what a blast! Several weeks ago, former Nevada Assemblywoman Annie Black – my friend and fellow irritator of liberals and RINOs – asked if I’d speak at the Mesquite Republican Women’s Club meeting that was scheduled for last night… Valentine’s Day. I still find it ironic that the initials for Valentine’s Day are “VD.”  Does seem oddly appropriate though. Anyway, Annie said she wanted to do something really fun for this special VD Day meeting.  She’s a great marketer herself and understands the value of being a “purple cow” when it comes to standing out and doing things differently from the way everyone else does things.  It’s why we worked so well together when we she took out a three-term RINO incumbent in 2020 – powered significantly by her popular “AnnieGram” newsletters that were decidedly different from what you usually get from your standard-issue candidates. But back to VD Day. I slept on her request and came up with an idea: A “Love & Politics” game/show/contest similar to the old “Newlywed Game” (ask grandma, Millennials). I’ve never done an event like this before but had seen it done on our Carnival Cruise “ConservaCruises” over the years.  Always a hoot.  In fact, on one ConservaCruise Gia and I entered and…WON. The tie-breaking question we matched was hilarious.  But won’t share it here in order to protect the sorta innocent.  If you see me at an event somewhere, ask, and I’ll let you in on the secret. Oh, and how we got picked as one of the three couples was also a riot.  That, too, I’ll share privately if we run into each other. But back to VD Day. Things didn’t start off so great.  On the way to the event, I was pulled over by a Mesquite patrol car.  Those flashing lights are never fun.  Apparently, I didn’t use my turn signal to change lanes, so I got stopped. But the officer was professional and friendly, and after running my driver’s license to make sure I wasn’t a wanted ax murderer he let me go with a warning. At the end, I thanked him for what he does to keep us safe.  We shook hands and went about our business.  Love ya, Blue. The fun started almost immediately at the meeting when Annie made a Freudian slip and introduced me as a “communist” instead of a “columnist.”   She’ll pay for that one!  I opened my remarks with a brief 10-15 minutes of political updates – especially the importance of protecting Gov. Joe Lombardo’s vetoes this November and the success of our Pigpen Project to clean up the voter rolls. Then on with the show… Annie had pre-selected three couples to compete in “Love & Politics.”  And they were absolutely fantastic participants and good sports.  One couple had been married for 48 years, another was essentially newlywed, and the third came somewhere in-between. After introductions, we sent the three women off to a sound-proof room and asked the men four questions.  To give you an idea, here’s one of the questions asked…      “If you wanted to torture your spouse, which political figure would you lock them in a room with for 48 hours?” THAT was a really fun one.  Laughter and merriment ensued. We then brought the guys back in, asked them the same questions, and tallied how many answers each couple matched.  Then sent the men-folk out and asked the women-folk four different questions.  Rinse and repeat. I won’t share the one question that really brought down the house.  You had to be there.  Suffice it to say the face of one of our guys turned redder than a Chinese communist (not “columnist”).  I can’t thank enough our three couples – and pardon me if I get any of the spellings wrong here – who joined in the fun and games.  Rocky & Jeanie.  Ron & Dee.  And Toby and Tricia. THEY really made the “show.” In the end, Annie totaled up the scores.  Ron & Dee had the most matches and walked out with some lovely parting gifts and the prestigious “Love & Politics” trophy – surely to be the talk and envy of family and friends for years to come!

Like I said, what a blast.  Good time had by all. THANK YOU, Mesquite Republican Women, for inviting me up to spend some time with you and taking the risk of doing “something different” that I’d never tried before. Considering the state of our union and the current occupant in the Oval Office, we all sure did need a good laugh. P.S.  If you have a club or organization that’d be interested in having me do this kind of event in the future – and it does NOT have to be on VD Day – shoot me an email and lemme know.  We’ll see about putting one together for you. P.P.S.  Annie has legitimately been asked by many folks in Mesquite to run for mayor this year.  She’s considering it and hasn’t yet given a Shermanesque “no.”  And I’ll just throw this out for consideration… When she ran for the state Assembly in 2020, she waited until 5 minutes before closing on the last day of filing to throw her hat in the ring against a three-term GOP incumbent. Completely caught the guy – who had run unopposed in 2018 and thought he would get a free pass again – by surprise.  He didn’t know what hit him…until the ballots were counted. Now, I’m not saying she’s going to do the same thing in the mayor’s race. On the other hand, I’m not saying she won’t.  Only her hairdresser knows for sure. CAMPAIGN BOOT CAMPS Campaign Boot Camp“FAST-START Campaign Implementation & Fundraising”Saturday, February 17, 2024Reno, Nevada9:30 am – 4:30 pm$10 (includes lunch and training materials)Click here for details and to register Mini-Campaign Boot Camp“Putting the FUN in Fundraising”Thursday, February 22, 2024Las Vegas, Nevada6:00 – 8:00 pmFREEClick here for details and to register Campaign Boot Camp“FAST-START Campaign Implementation & Fundraising”Saturday, March 23, 2024Missoula, Montana9:30 am – 4:30 pm$10 (includes lunch and training materials)Link coming soon FAMOUS LAST WORDS “The once-safe community of Summerlin is turning into a California suburb—plagued by robberies, carjackings, and retail theft. Residents may want to call their Democratic legislators who passed soft-on-crime policies.” – Nevada Globe “Or vote differently this year.” – Guy Nohra Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach, publisher of Nevada News & Views, and founder of CampaignDoctor.com.  You can sign up for his conservative, Nevada-focused e-newsletter at MuthsTruths.com.  His views are his own.