NN&V Exclusive
(Lori Piotrowski) – On December 12, citizens from Las Vegas up to Reno stood up to voice their objections to Secretary of State Ross Miller’s attempts to rewrite election law. And on the 16th, Clark County Republicans resoundingly objected to what they view as maltreatment in a press release.
In an effort to move the process along, the Secretary of State’s office has scheduled a hearing on the proposed changes for Friday, December 23. The uproar from those who are opposed is deafening—they believe the SoS is using the holiday season to silence criticism. E-mails are clogging the cyberspace airwaves filling Inboxes around the state to make voters aware of the hearing.
A PDF of the proposed changes has been made available online by Nevada Clean Up The Vote.
For those who are interested in attending the hearing, a workshop will be held on Thursday, December 22.
The hearing will begin at 9:00 a.m. on the 4th floor of the Grant Sawyer Building, West Washington Avenue (at Las Vegas Boulevard). For more information or to RSVP, please go to: www.nvcleanupthevote.com/Events.html