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(Chuck Muth) – I know I shouldn’t write this – and I know I’m going to bring down the wrath of the Thought Police and the race-hustlers upon my head – but I’m sick and tired of this white-hating “black lives matter” crud and ain’t gonna take it anymore.
It all started a couple days ago when Nevada Senate Minority Leader Aaron Ford tweeted a link to an incendiary race-baiting column by a racial arsonist named Zeba Blay in the Huffington Post entitled, “27 Things Every Black Person Must Learn Before Age 12.”
Fanning racial flames, the column outlines “lessons” designed clearly to instill in the minds of young black men a victim mentality that includes the notion that every white cop wakes up every morning with one goal in mind
To shoot and kill a young black man.
Blay’s lessons include…
- Don’t wear hoodies or baggy pants. Instead “wear a suit at all times.”
- But know that even that won’t protect you from “being pegged ‘suspicious’” because “your blackness will always be the main thing that makes you a threat.”
- Don’t buy toy guns.
- Don’t listen to loud music in a car.
- Don’t have play sword-fights.
- Don’t go to pool parties.
- And be warned, “There’s a chance you could be shot dead by the police before you’re even arrested for anything.”
- “In the event that you are needlessly shot and killed, do not expect justice for your death.”
- “More often than not, your killer will NOT be indicted, they WILL go free.”
- Oh, and “Recognize that these lessons don’t apply to your white friends.”
What a white-hating/cop-hating bigot.
I am so sick and tired of black race-hustlers and agitators such as Blay getting away with it simply because white people are scared to death of being called racists themselves.
Not me. Enough is enough.
The fact is, white cops do NOT wake up every morning rubbing their hands with glee at the prospect that it’s “open season” on young black men.
Blay’s contention to the contrary is both irresponsible and slanderous. It’s akin to shouting “Fire!” in a crowded theater when there’s no fire.
Her absurd race-baiting rules were belched out with absolutely no regard to context or extenuating circumstances – such as shamefully failing to mention that a contributing factor in the death of Tamir Rice in Cleveland was that the bright orange safety tip on the very real-looking pellet gun he was wielding had been removed.
Or that a number of those killed had committed a crime and/or were resisting arrest.
Or that a number of these incidents occurred not simply because the person involved was black, but because he was in a high-crime neighborhood where tensions are understandably far higher than in comparatively law-abiding suburban communities.
Indeed, let’s talk a little about “profiling” now, shall we?
When I was a kid, I touched a hot stove. Got burned. Learned a lesson: Stoves might be hot. Approach them with caution and skepticism.
Indeed, from that point forward, I have actively “profiled” every stove I’ve come across, not wanting to get burned again.
Along that same line, there’s a community between downtown Las Vegas and my home where every week I read assorted stories of assault, robbery, murder and rape.
In fact, it was in this area where those two Metro cops were gunned down at a CiCi’s pizza last year.
When I approach this area, if I haven’t done so already, I usually hit the button on my armrest to lock my doors. Does that make me a racist simply because the vast majority of residents in this neighborhood are minorities?
Of course not. It’s a simple, normal, understandable human self-protection response based on environment and experience, not race.
How much more so for the cops who have to patrol that neighborhood?
Oh, and about the hoodies (hooded sweatshirts for you white readers)…
Back in October I was involved in breaking up an armed robbery in which the white victim was shot in the arm by a thug. I don’t know what the thug’s race was because he was wearing a hoodie and I didn’t see his face.
So yes, I’m unashamed to say, I now “profile” young men wearing hoodies, regardless of race, the same way I profile stoves – I approach them with additional caution and skepticism.
Does that make me a racist? Of course not.
And, hey, if you don’t like being profiled for wearing a hoodie, then tell the thugs to stop committing crimes while wearing a hoodie!
Indeed, for greater self-protection purposes, maybe black thugs should take Ms. Blay’s advice and instead “wear a suit at all times” when committing their crimes.
This is not to say that every police shooting is right. But it is to say that not every police shooting is wrong simply because the victim was a black and the cop was white. That’s way too simplistic.
Columns such as Blay’s, as well as this entire “black lives matter” movement, only make the race situation in the U.S. worse, not better. It divides, not unites.
All lives matter. And that includes cop lives.
Lastly, if you really want to dramatically reduce the number of violent altercations between police and young black men that result in the death of the young black men, maybe try following these four simple rules instead of Ms. Blay’s 27 ridiculous ones…
1.) Drugs are bad. Don’t do drugs.
2.) Fatherless homes are bad. Stay home and raise the kids you brought into this world.
3.) Breaking the law is bad. Don’t break the law. And if you do, and get caught, don’t resist arrest.
4.) School is good. Go to school. Get good grades.
In fact, instead of teaching Ms. Blay’s “27 Things Every Black Person Must Learn Before Age 12,” might I suggest teaching “The Ten Commandments” to every child – black, white, brown, yellow or chartreuse – before the age of four.
So let it be written; so let it be done.
Mr. Muth is president of Citizen Outreach and publisher of NevadaNewsandViews.com.