Nevada’s cities and counties spent millions to lobby the legislature during the last legislative session, according to a recent report.
Cities and counties in the state spent $3.9 million in 2019 for lobbying efforts, the Nevada Independent reported on Sunday. Details of how much cities and counties spent on lobbying were included in a Department of Taxation lobbying expense report that’s required by state law.
The report initially said $4.3 million was spent, but the department revised its report after inquiries by the Independent.
Local governments regularly lobby on specific pieces of legislation that they believe affect their localities.
Clark County was the highest-spending county with more than $514,000 going toward lobbying. Washoe County spent over $381,000 on lobbying.
Las Vegas was the highest spending city, putting almost $562,000 toward lobbying efforts. Henderson followed, spending $255,000 while North Las Vegas spent more than $103,000.
In Washoe County, the city of Sparks spent over $105,800 and Reno spent $121,000, according to the department.
The highest spending district in the state was the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, which spent $184,000 on lobbying, followed by RTC of Southern Nevada, which spent $167,000.
Clark County School District spent over $279,000 on lobbying efforts, the highest amount for school districts in the state.
Overall, nine counties in the state reported spending $1,174,000 on lobbying; nine cities reported spending $1,330,000; 14 districts spent $992,000; and school districts in four counties reported spending $418,000.
The $3.9 million spent in the 2019 legislative session (which is biennial) is also the most in recent years, only surpassed by the $3.99 million spent in 2007. Local governments spent $3.75 million in 2017 and $3.3 million in 2015.
Nevada law requires all government agencies to report lobbying expenses within a month after the legislative session ends. Nevada’s 2019 session adjourned on June 4.
The Department of Taxation sent a memorandum on June 5 to local government entities notifying them that the reports had to be postmarked by July 5. State law only requires lobbying expenditures above $6,000 to be reported.