(Jon Ralston) – GOP Senate contender Sue Lowden has sent out a four-page letter soliciting funds for her campaign against the 8.7-million-dollar man, Harry Reid. Lowden’s missive pushes various hot buttons to get into donors’ wallets and presage her campaign strategy.
• The majority leader is first mentioned as “out-of-touch Senator Harry Reid.” This is the Nevada vs. D.C. argument that, ironically, first helped Reid win his Senate seat in 1986.
• “I also know Harry Reid has won in the past by using intimidation and fear tactics. This stuff won’t work with me – I promise you that. I’ve never backed down from a bully in my life. Not ever.” Just guessing here but I think the message is: Reid is a bully and I’ll stand up to him.
• She was chairman in the state Senate of the “No Taxation Committee” and shut it down – sending a lot of lobbyists out the door hungry.” A twofer there: She is anti-tax and anti-lobbyist. Kudos. (Now about those lobbyists who supported her who WANTED the committee shut down. Who did they represent, again?)
• She saved the state from organized labor’s attempt to erase the state’s right-to-work law and police had to give her “an escort out of the legislative building to protect me against an unruly mob of union thugs.” Message: I am tough and stand up to unions, too.
• She is better on the Second Amendment (even if the NRA doesn’t agree) and “unborn children” (really?) “and so many other issues. … ”
• Lowden lists Reid’s “lowlights,” including the “liar” and “loser” classics. The “war is lost” staple and the inartful Ted Kennedy’s death will “help” pass health care reform. She also includes in the list a shameless pitch for an early endorsement from the Review-Journal by using Reid having “bullied the director” of the RJ by saying “he hopes they go out of business.” Why that is a direct quote – Reid said, ‘I hope….” and why the letter does not refer to the “ad director” seems strange? But, no matter, you remember the bully and the bullied, right?
• She also blames Reid for the state’s unemployment rate, lack of return in federal dollars and high foreclosure rate. That is, she is asking: If he has juice, where is it?
• The kicker: “The fact is Harry Reid forgot where he came from. He’s been busy representing Senate Democrats, NOT Nevada families.” Sounds like a slogan.
Did she miss a hot button? I don’t think so.
(Jon Ralston is a columnist for the Las Vegas Sun and host of “Face to Face”)