(Chuck Muth) – In a Las Vegas Sun interview today, soon-to-be-former Rep. Dina Titus blamed the United States Supreme Court for her loss to Congressman-elect Joe Heck. Care for some whine with those sour grapes, Dina?
Nevada’s #1 problem is unemployment. To fix our #1 problem, we need people to start businesses to create jobs. Meanwhile, Nevada’s university apologists continue to complain that they’re not getting enough taxpayer dollars. Which makes this quote in Thursday’s “Sunrise View” by Katie Thompson, UNR graduate and owner of Cupkates by Kate, so powerful: “All the stuff you need to operate a business they don’t teach you in college.”
Hello? Anybody listening?
Along those same lines, a recent LVRJ story notes that “Nevada remains the state with the fourth-best tax climate for business” according to the 2011 rankings of the Tax Foundation. Why, oh why, would we want to ruin that? Shouldn’t we instead be working towards becoming #1?
On the other hand, the tax-hikers incessantly maintain that businesses don’t move here because taxpayers aren’t fleeced enough to dump even more money into the bottomless pit known as our public education system. However, U.S. Micro Corp just announced that it was moving its headquarters to Las Vegas. Why?
“We chose to relocate to Las Vegas because of the area’s competitive business climate, talented labor pool, state-of-the-art technology and transportation infrastructure, as well as its proximity to some of the world’s largest information technology markets,” explained Jim Kegley, the company’s president.
Funny how Nevada’s supposedly underfunded public education system didn’t dissuade the company from moving here, huh?
In response to some Hispanic objections, a couple just short of outrage, over my pointing out that the three dirtbags who (allegedly) beat and killed that school teacher in Las Vegas looked every bit like the Hispanic hoodlums depicted in those Sharron Angle illegal immigration ads, I was reminded of a scene in the Jim Carrey movie “Liar, Liar.”
In short, Carrey is a lawyer who, thanks to a birthday wish by his young son, can’t lie for 24 hours. While at his law office, his secretary takes a phone call from one of his regular clients. “He knocked over another ATM,” the secretary informs Carrey’s character. “This time at knife point. He needs your legal advice.”
To which Carrey’s character takes the phone receiver and shouts into it, “Stop breaking the law, a**hole!”
Maybe law-abiding Hispanics who are sick and tired of being depicted as criminal thugs should proffer the same advice to the lowlifes in their own community who are making all of them look bad. But of course, I’m sure it’s probably racist for me to even suggest such a thing, right?