NN&V Exclusive (Lori Piotrowski) – So, Assemblyman Harvey Munford (D-Las Vegas) wants to impose a Bloombergesque tax on fast foods in Nevada. He’s tried this before (AB399 during the 2011 legislative session), but his new bill may be expanded to include other types of so-called junk food.
Thankfully his bill didn’t see the light of day last year, but that doesn’t mean that the new legislators will have the same foresight to trash this junk legislation.
Munford says that the tax will serve as an impetus to get parents to consider what they are feeding their children. He hopes the tax will enforce healthier eating habits.
What really needs to happen is to get children off their tush and have some old-fashioned fun. Put away the Nintendo, the Wii, the X-Box, and kick them out of the house!
Before you tell me kids can’t play outside when it’s 100+, think again. There are many indoor activity centers (The Y comes to mind) and pools where the kiddos can safely frolic during the summer months.
Certainly it beats having Munford and his aides strolling the grocery aisles determining which of those foods you should have to pay more for.