So some wacko broke into the Las Vegas headquarters of Nevada U.S. Sen. Dean Heller and taped a note to the door “asserting that he would lose his health care” if Heller voted to repeal ObamaCare and threatened that “he would die if that happened and would take Heller with him.”
Jon Ralston, Nevada’s #2 liberal blogger, was all over the story on Monday.
“I have learned it apparently came from someone who wants Heller to vote against the current health care measure,” the intrepid, crackerjack “journalist” wrote.
Duh. Ya think?
Such insight. Such investigative sleuthing. I just can’t imagine why this brilliant fake news peddler doesn’t have his own TV show – other than the fact that when he DID have his own TV show, no one watched it. What a ‘shroom.
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The Clark County Republican Party will be electing a new chairman, and other officers, at its regularly scheduled meeting at the Santa Fe Station Casino tonight. The two main candidates for the top pooh-bah job are longtime grassroots activist Eddie Facey and former Ron & Rand Paulsupporter Carl Bunce.
Odds are it’ll be Bunce.
A pre-election fundraiser for Bunce last night drew a monster mash of establishment and conservative renegade GOP players, including a not-insignificant number of representatives of major donors who have been driven away from the party over the past few years by current lame-duck RINO Gov. Brian Sandoval.
Oh, the farmers and the cowboys should be friends!
If Democrats aren’t worried about this meshing of competing ideological camps within the GOP’s big tent, they’re fools. Nevada Republicans in the era of Trump are gonna do VERY well in 2018 if this attitude of cooperation for the objective of ballot-box victories takes and holds.
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So there’s this blogger who is fed up to here with Arizona John McCain, who has been a stab-in-the-back, thorn-in-the-side for conservatives for decades.
In it, Caitlin Johnstone included her wish that the octogenarian would just kick the bucket. She didn’t threaten to do it herself; just hopes nature takes its course in an expedited fashion.
Now, I don’t know anyone who would go that far; however, there are a TONof Republicans nationwide who wish McCain was no longer in office undermining President Donald Trump and the conservative agenda, including Nevada GOP National Committeewoman Diana Orrock who re-tweeted a link to Johnstone’s blog post.
And the media had a cow…as if Orrock herself had written the post.
I know Diana Orrock. She’s a friend of mine. And anyone who thinks Diana Orrock re-tweeted that post because she wants John McCain to die rather than simply leave office is brain-dead.
But this is how the fake news media makes mountains out of molehills whenever it suits their purpose of hurting Republicans and conservatives.
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Despite President Trump’s travel ban on six countries known to be hotbeds of radical Islamic terrorism, international travel to the United States – including Las Vegas – is on the upswing.
“Las Vegas has seen a moderate bump in international travel on non-stop flights to and from McCarran International Airport in the first five months of 2017,” the Associated Press reports.
And yet another fake news narrative against a Trump policy turns out to be false. Shocking.
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ICYMI, the Las Vegas Sun published a great column on the stupidity of Nevada forcing legal marijuana establishments to use liquor distributors to transport their product from grow houses and production facilities to retail stores. Click here
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