(Randi Thompson/NFIB) – I recently received a letter from the Harry Reid campaign that was a bit surprising. It said Reid leverages “his leadership position on behalf of the state’s businessmen and women” and that “no one can do more to bolster Nevada businesses.”
It continues that Senator Reid “put Nevada businesses first” and is a “tireless champion of the businesses” of Nevada. Then letter then lists a number of Nevada businesses supporting Senator Reid.
I wonder if these “businesses for Reid” are aware that Senator Reid is pushing legislation that would force unionization on workers without notifying the business owner. Do they know this bill will allow federal bureaucrats to come into their business and mandate what an owner must pay his employees?
What business owner would praise a politician who is pushing legislation that could very easily put them all out of business?
Senator Reid is a powerful man. There is no disputing that. But all the praise that these businesses heap on him as a defender of business is simply a farce. Senator Reid is pushing legislation that would destroy Nevada jobs, hurt employers, close businesses, and keep our economy in trouble for years to come.
Union membership is on the decline across the US, so unions are looking for ways to make it easier to unionize. This bill (H.R. 1696) The Employee Free Choice Act would:
1. Take away an employee’s right to a secret ballot to join a union, exposing those workers who refuse to join and subjecting them to pressure and intimidation by the union representatives.
2. Impose binding arbitration on workers and businesses if a union contract is not signed shortly after negotiations begin. This contract would be dictated by federal bureaucrats and mandate salaries and benefits that do not take into local market forces.
The Reno/Sparks Chamber of Commerce, National Federation of Independent Business, Retail Association of Nevada, Associated Builders and Contractors, and numerous other business owners and business organizations strongly oppose this legislation. How can Senator Reid support such “anti-business” legislation, while claiming to be the “business candidate?”
If Senator Reid wants to be a true friend of Nevada’s small businesses he should use his power to kill this legislation that harms virtually every Nevada small business. He says he has the power, so now it’s time to stand up for the 85% of Nevada workers who chose to not join a union. Nevada is a right to work state. If Senator Reid is truly “pro business,” he should be protecting that legacy.
(Ms. Thompson is the Nevada State Director for the National Federal of Independent Business)