(Chuck Muth) – OK, class. Let’s get right to it…
1.) Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak unilaterally ordered all so-called “non-essential” businesses to close on March 17, 2020, killing hundreds of thousands of private sector jobs. The St. Patrick’s Day Massacre.
2.) Gov. Sisolak did NOT layoff ANY non-essential government workers and did NOT cut any non-essential government programs or services. As such, the governor has dug the state government into a $1.2 billion budget hole.
3.) The Democrat-controlled Nevada Legislature let him get away with this without a peep of protest – not even from elected Republicans.
4.) The governor called what turned into a 12-day special session of the Legislature to approve his smoke-and-mirror plans to fill the budget gap. It included imposing one unpaid furlough day a month, a freeze on merit pay and less than 50 layoffs of government workers.
5.) As the governor was preparing his fill-the-hole plan in June, the government workers’ union, AFSCME, pumped over $250,000 into the campaign coffers of legislative Democrats.
6.) Right out of the gate, Democrats coughed up a “resolution” calling for a federal bailout to plug the hole that Gov. Sisolak and the Democrats dug. Unbelievably, every Republican in the State Assembly and all but one in the State Senate, Ira Hansen, voted for begging for a bailout.
7.) At the last minute and with no notice, Democrats introduced a bill to raise taxes on mining to fill the hole. Republicans unanimously voted against the tax hike, killing it in the Senate since Democrats needed one GOP vote to meet the required 2/3 super-majority for passage.
8.) Republican (in Name Only) Sen. Keith Pickard then changed his mind after being assured the money from the tax hike would be earmarked for “education.” He then changed his mind back again after voicing support for a $600 million tax hike on your electric bill instead of the $100 million on mining.
9.) Democrats then tossed the government employees’ union a big, fat, wet, sloppy kiss by amending Gov. Sisolak’s plan. They cut the number of furlough days from 12 to 6, restored merit pay and laid off practically zero non-essential government workers. ($250,000 goes a long way, doesn’t it?)
10.) Every Republican in the Senate and all but six Republicans in the Assembly voted for the give-back. The six Republicans who did NOT vote to reward the government employees’ union for dumping a quarter-million dollars into the Democrats’ campaign treasure chest were: John Ellison, Jim Wheeler, Lisa Krasner, Al Kramer, Greg Hafen and Chrissy Edwards.
Democrats made this mess. They should be the ones to clean it up.
Republicans are their own worst enemy.
Free Cesar? Hell, No!
Democrats in the Nevada Legislature are drooling over the prospect of totally screwing over law enforcement officers in the state.
I’ve obtained a copy of proposed language for a “social justice” reform bill that’s expected to be introduced in the second special session – whenever Gov. Sisolak gets around to calling it. It’s bad.
In the meantime, if you want to see an example of what the left-wing loony-tunes want to keep on our streets and in our neighborhoods through their “social justice” reforms, click here.
And if this is an issue you’d like to stay up-to-date with, sign up for my “Catch & Release” e-newsletter while you’re there.
Drive-By Muthings
* Gov. Sisolak posted on social media today that “contact tracing helps slow the spread of #COVID-19 by identifying those who may have come in contact with positive cases.” He then detailed “5 Things to Know about Contact Tracing.”
In the next Muth’s Truths, I’ll give you one that’s not on the guv’s list. It’s bone-chilling. After you read it, you ain’t gonna wanna have ANYTHING to do with “contact tracing.” Yes, it’s that bad. Stay tuned.
* Teachers do NOT want to reopen our public schools in the fall. But here’s the thing…
Most people would label teachers as “essential” workers – you know, like WalMart clerks. If so, then shouldn’t they be required to work just like “essential” workers in the private sector?
And if they’re not deemed to be “essential,” then shouldn’t they be laid off like “non-essential” workers in the private sector?
You can’t have it both ways. If you’re afraid to do your job teaching our kids, fine. Quit. And learn to code.
* The three worst Republicans in Name Only (RINOs) in the State Assembly are Jill Tolles, Tom Roberts and Glen Leavitt. All three are in “leadership” positions – which tells you all you need to know about why Assembly Republicans are not an actual “opposition party” in the Nevada Legislature.
Tolles and Roberts have no opponent in the general election. However, Leavitt does. And it’s somebody conservatives can and should get behind: Bill Hoge.
Hoge is running on the Independent American Party (IAP) ticket. I spoke with him over the weekend. He’s a true believer; an unapologetic conservative. He’s also a former member of the California State Assembly from back in the 1990s.
So he’s VERY credible and a viable alternative to RINO Leavitt.
Still doing more due diligence on Mr. Hoge’s bona fides, but if he signs the Taxpayer Protection Pledge I think he’s gonna be the horse I back in the general election. Stay tuned.
2020 Tax Pledge Signers in Nevada
- CD02: Mark Amodei
- CD03: Dan Rodimer
- CD04: Jim Marchant
- SD11: Joshua Dowden
- AD02: Heidi Kasama
- AD04: Richard McArthur
- AD05: Mack Miller
- AD07: Tony Palmer
- AD10: Jonathan Friedrich
- AD15: Stan Vaughan
- AD17: Jack Polcyn
- AD19: Annie Black
- AD21: Cheryln Arrington
- AD26: Lisa Krasner
- AD31: Jill Dickman
- AD37: Andy Matthews
- AD38: Robin Titus
- AD39: Jim Wheeler
“Rather than restoring funding to education and healthcare services, the Legislature instead chose to put roughly $40 million back into the pockets of state government workers by reducing the number of furlough days and pay freezes initially proposed by Governor Sisolak.” – Michael Schaus & Robert Fellner, Nevada Policy Research Institute (NPRI)
“In the earliest days of the coronavirus pandemic Dr. Fauci got it wrong. NBC News quoted an unnamed White House source dissing him by pointing out: ‘Fauci [said] in January that coronavirus was ‘not a major threat’ and ‘not driven by asymptomatic carriers’ and Fauci’s comment in March that ‘people should not be walking around with masks.’ The Washington Post reported a high ranking WH official as saying, ‘several White House officials are concerned about the number of times Dr. Fauci has been wrong on things.’” – Rich Galen, Mullings.com
“If a man says he’ll fix something, he will. There’s no need to remind him every six months.” – Author unknown